The Statue of Helia

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Eben awakens in the wee hours of the morning to the shifting of scales

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Eben awakens in the wee hours of the morning to the shifting of scales. The sensation is disorienting until yesterday's events come into clear focus.

He is no blushing virgin. He's had many dalliances over the years, but he wasn't used to such tender touches. As a bandit, most of his partners didn't have the decency to care about that kind of thing...

It was funny, actually. Eben has forgotten the faces of all his previous one-night stands, but the half-elf can't suppress a shiver as he recalls the gorgon's gentle caresses contrasted against his feral nature. This encounter would be branded into his memory for years to come, most definitely.

Trying to dismiss his wayward thoughts, Eben turns to look at the still-sleeping gorgon. The man jolts as he realizes Adder's blindfold has slipped during the night, revealing the uncovered face of the gorgon.

Eben stares. He knows he's being profoundly idiotic looking when those petrifying eyes could snap open at any moment, but he can't look away. It feels unreal to see long black lashes framed against the alabaster of Adder's cheeks.

It reminds Eben of the time he'd robbed a wealthy aristocrat. He'd only been there for the man's jewelry and gold, but he had become stock-still when he came across the life-sized statues. They depicted the classic myth of the stalking of Morthell by Giakora.

Most would've felt drawn to the beautiful Godess of spring trailing behind the God of death, but Eben couldn't help but reach out to  Morthell's beautifully carved face. It was stone, not flesh, but somehow it was still a surprise to the bandit that the statue's face was cold and unyielding.

Eben wonders now how it would feel like to caress Adder's face as he did the God of Death's. Would he be met with a similar firm coldness? Or would there be a surprising softness and warmth?

The half-elf shakes his head. He's being foolish.

He sits up slowly in the nest, attempting to sneak away without awakening the gorgon. Adder's face pinches as Eben moves, long lashes twitching, but the gorgon just rolls over still asleep.

Miraculously, Eben is able to squeeze out the gorgon's tight coils without disturbing the man. He exits Adder's lair, entering the passageway that connects the room to the main cave.

Eben's about to enter the living area when he pauses. He recalls Adder warning him to not go down this tunnel. Eben had assumed the gorgon just wanted to keep the half-elf away from his room... what else was down here?

Grabbing a lit torch from a sconce, the half-elf traverses deeper down into the earth, his heart pounding as he discovers a whole new chamber.

He lifts the torch to look around. The flickering light dimly illuminates rows and rows of bookshelves lined up against the stone walls.

Eben's hands trace the spines as he walks. Unfortunately, his education had been minimal on the farm and non-existent once his father had disappeared, so Eben was unable to read the words.

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