Chapter 53: Fear That Father's Wrath

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WARNINGS: Graphic Violence; Slight Torture

Once they got inside, Fernado looked up at Tony with a grin.

"Tony Stark, the living legend," Fernado smiled, "What brings you to my humble home, dear friend?"

"Have you seen Peter," Tony asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And if I did?"

"Fernado, I'm not here as an Avenger," Tony reasoned, "I'm here as a concerned father looking for his son. I need you to cooperate with me."

Fernado chuckled as if he were telling a joke.

"And if I don't," Fernado asked, leaning forward, "You put any charges on me, you'll take your son down too."

"Like I said, I'm not here as an Avenger," Tony repeated, "We were told he came here. I need to know where he went."

"I don't give out my customer's info without a price," Fernado smirked, "So take your band of tall freaks and get the hell out of my home."

"I tried to do it the easy way," Tony scoffed.

Klaus vamped up to Fernado and shoved him against the wall by his neck. A few of the standbys raised guns at them. Sam knocked two of the men to the ground before retrieving their weapons. Dean took care of the other three, breaking a man's arm.

"You useless fucks," Fernado grimaced, insulting his 'employees'.

"I need answers," Tony said, stepping closer, "I'm gonna get answers. Whether you like it or not."

"I'm not telling you anything," Fernado spat, feeling Klaus squeeze his neck.

"I thought you might say that," Tony said, looking over at Dean.

He shoved one of the men on a chair and stood behind him.

"What's your name," Tony asked, meeting his eyes.

"Fuck you," the guy spat.

"I would, but you're not my type," Tony sassed, "Now I'm trying to be polite and know who I'm talking to. But I have no problem turning into a heartless bitch."

The guy stayed quiet.

"Okay," Tony said, pulling out a hammer.

He pressed it to the man's knee, making him squirm. Dean kept him in the chair.

"Did you see Peter here last night," Tony asked.

"I'm not telling you anything," the guy said, calling his bluff.

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