Chapter 24: Driver Picks the Music

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The next day, Dean rummaged through the fridge for some food. He pulled out a package of bacon with a victorious grin.

"Dean... What are you doing?"

He hit his head as he stood up straight to address Natasha.

"Natasha, right," Dean asked, pointing at her.

"Yeah," Natasha said.

"I was making breakfast," Dean said, looking down at the bacon, eggs, and other foods, "Was I not allowed to?"

"You're fine. I was just confused about why your ass was wiggling in the air," Natasha teased, "Need help?"

"I think I got it," Dean said, "But where do you keep the pans?"

Natasha walked over and opened a cabinet. She looked at the top shelf and pointed.

"There," Natasha said.

Dean pulled two of them down and began making his breakfast sandwich. Once he finished, Sam walked in.

"I think we might have a case," Sam said, setting down his laptop.

He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar. Then took a seat next to Dean. His eyes glanced at his breakfast sandwich.

"That looks..."

"Beautiful, doesn't it," Dean beamed, showing off his sandwich.

"I was gonna say greasy," Sam smirked, "But whatever helps you sleep at night."

Dean rolled his eyes and took a huge bite out of his sandwich. Sam stared at him judgmentally.

"You were saying," Dean said, nodding to the screen.

"So get this, six high school students decide to investigate an old cabin in the woods. Only two of them come back home," Sam said, reading a news article.

"How is that our kind of thing," Dean asked.

"Because the cabin is said to be haunted," Peter interrupted, walking up to them, "Or at least that's what most claim on social media. The group went into the cabin as a dare."

"I'm sorry, why aren't you in school again," Dean asked, turning his attention to Peter.

"Winter Break," Peter said, "School is out for two weeks. My fathers left to attend a fancy party/fundraiser out of town, so I can join you on a ghost hunt!"

"Absolutely not," Dean snapped.

"Dean, come on! This is a great learning experience," Peter reasoned, "I would stick by your side the whole time!"

"That's the problem, kid! It's dangerous," Dean reasoned.

"You do realize my part-time job is fighting dangerous criminals, right," Peter asked.

"Are you sassing me," Dean scolded.

"No, I'm just saying I could be useful for you. Not to mention, I have the funds to get us a better hotel than the cheap ones you get," Peter reasoned.

"He has a point," Sam added.

"Who's side are you on," Dean snapped, throwing a glare at Sam.

"Dean, you could use me. Plus, you're about to talk to younger witnesses. Which means you need someone who knows how to speak their kind of lingo," Peter reasoned, motioning to himself.

Dean glanced at Sam for help in reasoning with him.

"We could use someone like Peter. This is a great opportunity for him to learn as well," Sam said.


Peter cheered happily.

"But you do everything we say, understand? No playing the hero in this. Unless you're looking to get yourself killed," Dean ordered.

"Got it," Peter smiled, going to pack some clothes.

Dean sighed in frustration and took an aggressive bite of his sandwich.

"You're gonna be a great dad one day," Sam teased.

"Shut up," Dean hissed.

Sam laughed as he got ready to go. Dean watched Peter climb into the backseat as Sam sat in the passenger.

"Another thing, no eating or drinking without permission in my Baby," Dean said, talking about his car.

"Okay, but do you have music...?"

"Oh boy," Sam muttered.

"Another house rule, the driver picks the music," Dean smirked, starting the car.

Dean turned on some rock music as Sam gave Peter an apologetic smile. Then, they drove to investigate the cabin incident.

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