Chapter 49: Spider Ring

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At the party, Peter turned his head as he felt a pull. He excused himself and followed it to his bedroom. He could make out Wade's silhouette in the dark as he walked in. Peter closed the door behind him so no one would see the man. He didn't bother turning on the light as he stepped closer.

"Happy birthday, Peter. I got you a..."

Peter grabbed the plastic ring and threw it at the wall.

"Do you know how long it took to win that thing," Wade complained.

"Why weren't you returning my calls," Peter asked, crossing his arms.

"I was trying to have a Wolverine moment, and my phone blew up..."

"You could've called me on a landline," Peter scolded, "Wade, I needed you, and you weren't there."

Wade went silent and turned on the lamp. Peter took in the face that was always hidden underneath his mask. A look of concern rested in his eyes.

"What happened," Wade asked.

"My uncle died. I wouldn't be so hurt about it," Peter said, his voice cracking, "But I told him I would kill him if he ever hurt my family again. So he killed himself. Not only did he hurt my family, he also made sure I couldn't get him back."

Peter's vision blurred with tears.

"Now I have no choice but to watch my father avoid his emotions of losing his only brother," Peter said, "My cousins refuse to talk about it anymore."

Peter took a breath.

"John's death is on my hands. I killed him," Peter said, lowering his gaze, "I went to your apartment, but you were gone."

"The cracked wall was you," Wade asked.

"I was frustrated. I'll come back over and fix it," Peter said.

Wade took a deep breath and tried to figure out what to say. He was horrible at comforting others. He could hear the suggestions of staying the night or taking Peter with him. So what would Spiderman say in this situation?

"Peter, none of that is your fault. You know that, right? He made his choice. You were trying to protect your family," Wade reasoned, "Which is better than me because I would've put a bullet in his..."

Wade tensed up as Peter hugged him. His body remained rigid, trying to determine if this was an attack of some sort. Then, slowly, he relaxed, causing Peter to use his knee to steady himself.

"Thank you for returning on my birthday," Peter said softly.

"That's sweet, but your knee is crushing my dick," Wade said, making him let go.

"Sorry," Peter said, backing up.

"It's fine," Wade said, "It'll heal. Which is the best time to jerk..."

"Please stop," Peter interrupted, scrunching up his nose.

Wade smiled at his discomfort.

"Do I want to know how you broke in without being seen," Peter said, recalling what floor they were on.

"Just know it involved a lot of beer and lube," Wade smiled.

"What," Peter asked, a look of disgust crossing his face.

"Long story for another time," Wade said, "I got you a gift."

Peter went to retrieve the ring he threw.

"A spider ring," Peter chuckled, putting it on, "How did I not see that coming?"

"It cost 650 tickets at an amusement park," Wade said, smiling proudly to himself, "Which is quite a lot of tickets if I do say so myself."

"You spoil me, you know that," Peter teased.

"I hate to brag, but yeah," Wade teased back.

"I'm surprised you're not wearing your costume," Peter said, "I thought you lived in that thing."

Wade went quiet again, making him uneasy.

"Wade? You okay," Peter asked, looking over at him.

"I should probably go," Wade said, standing up.

Peter reached out, subtly flinching as he caught his wrist.

"You're fine the way you are. You know that, right," Peter reassured.

"You're too kind to be my soulmate, Peter," Wade said softly, "Which is strange because I'm an absolute asshole."

"You got my messages," Peter asked.

"I saw them but didn't get a chance to respond before a bullet killed my phone," Wade said, lifting up his broken cell phone.

Peter took it from his hand to examine it.

"Were you trying to call me during a fight," Peter asked.

"I had a bounty to take care of, and the cunt broke it when he shot my leg," Wade said, "So I have to change my number... Again."

"About the soulmate thing, you don't have to go along with it," Peter said, "You can reject the bond..."

"Well, I'm not dating you while you're barely pushing 18," Wade said, "But I'll be around. You can call me your guardian demon."

"You mean guardian angel," Peter asked.

"I said what I said," Wade smirked, making Peter chuckle, "Try to get some sleep, old man."

"You too," Peter smiled.

"After a rush of drugs and booze, I'll be out like a light," Wade said, winking.

"You worry me sometimes," Peter said.

"I know. That's what makes it fun," Wade said, climbing through the window.

"Wade! Hold on! We're too high up for you to..."

Peter rushed to the window as Wade jumped down. He saw the man drag himself away from the blood-splattered car below.

"That man is batshit crazy," Peter muttered.


Tony: ... Did y'all hear something?

Peter: *Drinks soda nervously*

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