Chapter 17: Wrong Vampire

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After some convincing, Tony managed to retrieve Wanda from the safe house.

"Listen, Wanda, if the spell becomes too much, it's okay to stop," Tony reasoned, "I won't be upset..."

"I can handle it," Wanda said.

"That's not what I'm afraid of," Tony said softly, "I don't want you to be seen as a threat by this family."

Wanda gave a short nod as the elevator opened.

"Are we ready," Tony asked.

"Not gonna exit the human trash bin," Kol asked.

"I'm not big on trust when it comes to your family," Tony said.

"Smart man," Rebekah smirked.

Wanda examined the spell Castiel wrote. Another woman was there. She was clearly a witch as she was already putting items into a bowl.

"You must be the other witch. I'm Freya," Freya introduced.

"Wanda," Wanda greeted.

"Nice to meet you, Wanda," Freya smiled, "Are you ready?"


Wanda set down the paper and grabbed onto Freya's hands. She followed her movement for the spell, causing the lights to flicker. Elijah and Dean both looked at the lights as they continued.

"It's working," Castiel said, watching Klaus and Sam's souls.

Soon, Freya's nose began to bleed.

"Freya," Kol said.

"Something's wrong," Freya gritted.

"Stop the spell," Tony said.

"Wait! It's not their souls that's the problem," Castiel said, shaking his head, "Did something happen between you and the Mikaelsons?"

"Cas now is not the time for family therapy," Dean said.

"If we stop it now, we won't get another choice," Castiel snapped, "What happened? Because it's obviously affecting this spell."

"I, for once, didn't do anything," Kol said.

"I don't recall harming anyone either," Rebekah said.

"I don't enjoy harming humans without cause," Elijah said.

They looked at Tony in question.

"Tony, what happened," Dean asked.

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