Chapter 47: A New Promise

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Wanda watched Dean, Tony, and Steve chop wood for the funeral.

"Are they still going at it," Natasha asked, coming up behind her.

"Yep. Steve is there to make sure those two didn't do anything to themselves," Wanda reported, refusing to meet her eyes.

"I've never seen Tony so distraught," Natasha said, "Most times, he puts on this mask and smiles through the pain. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. Needed some air. It's starting to feel crowded in the cabin," Wanda said.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence between them.

"Wands, do you know why I don't do romance," Natasha asked.

"You can forget about it," Wanda said, thinning her lips.

"Please let me explain," Natasha said.

"It's fine, Natasha! I'm over it," Wanda snapped, storming back inside.

Natasha lowered her eyes and looked over at the three men.

"I'm guessing from the angry expression that your conversation went well," Pietro teased, drinking from a beer can.

"You said to be myself, and I don't know how to do that," Natasha said.

"You really don't know how to be yourself," Pietro asked, "You're even more fucked up in the head than I thought."

"I'm serious, Pietro. It feels like every step I take, I'm making it worse," Natasha said.

"Maybe you should stop taking steps then," Pietro suggested, "Wanda is simple but complicated. Like trying to see the beauty of the ocean. If you go too deep to figure her out, you'll drown yourself."

"That actually makes a lot of sense," Natasha said, "Thanks, Pietro."

"Anytime. Besides, I'm rooting for you two. You make her happy," Pietro smiled.

Pietro placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and walked away. Natasha turned back to Steve, Tony, and Dean.

"Do you think that's enough wood," Steve asked.

"Yeah," Dean said, wiping the sweat from his brow, "I can make the pile."

"We got it," Bucky said, coming up to them, "You three have done enough for the day."

Sam helped him make the pile, instructing him along the way. Stephen walked over with John's corpse. He was securely tied up with a white cloth soaked in salt water.

"Okay, you can lay it on there," Sam said, helping the body on the pile, "And we're ready... Tony, would you like to do the honors?"

Tony took the lighter from Dean's hand. He flicked on the fire as everyone gathered around. Then he tossed the lighter into the pile along with John's body.

"Anyone want to say anything," Clint asked, watching it go up in flames.

"John, I don't know you that well. But I know Tony and the family cared about you. For that, you will be missed," Stephen said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Dad, I'm sorry I wasn't the son you hoped for. I know we argued a lot, but I want you to know that I did love you," Sam said, "I wish I could've told you that to your face. I hope you're somewhere happy with Mom."

"We're gonna miss you, Dad," Dean said, watching the flames.

Tony stayed silent, trying to formulate the words. He looked down as he finally got the will to speak.

"John, I know we made promises when we were kids. Well, I'm making you a new one. I promise to care for Sam and Dean like my own sons. I promise to pick up the family business," Tony said, "I will keep this promise until my dying day. I'm gonna miss you, baby brother."

He felt Sam and Dean give him a side hug. Peter glanced over as Sam pulled him closer, adding him to the Winchester group hug.

"I can put out the fire, and we can go inside," Wanda offered.

"Sounds good," Wilson said, glancing at Tony and the boys.

"We're gonna stay out here for a while," Dean said, "Sit with him one more time."

"Take your time," Clint said, walking inside with everyone else.

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