Chapter 22: Castiel's Angelic Form

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After hours of talking and researching, Peter's cell phone went off.

"Hello," Peter answered.

"Where are you," Tony asked.

"Hanging out with Dean," Peter said.

"What are you doing with Dean," Tony asked, instantly thinking they went on a hunt.

"We're talking about the Walking Dead series and Star Wars. Also, how Darth Vader could definitely beat Luke Skywalker in a fight," Peter said, looking at Dean.

"You fucking wish," Dean said, rolling his eyes with a smile.

Tony smiled warmly at them getting along.

"Make sure you two get home before your father gets back. Also, don't tell him about the whole kicking everyone out situation," Tony said, "Keep that between us."

"When is he coming back," Peter asked.

"Right now, actually. So come home," Tony said.

"On our way," Peter said, hanging up, "My father is returning home. We need to head in."

Dean put the books away and drove back to the tower. They walked in together and went up to the living quarters. Peter paused at the entrance, hearing Stephen talking to Tony.

"He's already here," Peter said softly.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, come here right now," Stephen scolded.

"Uh-oh," Peter muttered.

"You too, Dean Henry Winchester," Stephen snapped.

"What did I do," Dean asked, slightly offended.

Dean and Peter slowly made their way to Tony's lab.

"If we run now, we can probably reach the car before he notices," Dean whispered.

"Trust me, I've been there. We won't get far," Peter whispered back.

They stood in the lab with Sam, Tony, and Stephen. Stephen looked heavily disappointed.

"Do you want to tell me why I was told there were vampires in here," Stephen asked.

"Who snitched," Dean asked, looking at Sam and Tony.

"Answer the question," Stephen said, "Because last I remember, we had a strict rule on outside supernatural being invited in, especially if they're vampires!!"

"Well, a lot has happened since you stepped away," Peter said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"What happened," Stephen asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I met a real-life angel," Tony said, trying to avoid the vampire talk.

"Tony, flirting will not help you this time," Stephen said.

"He's being serious," Dean said, "I have a friend named Castiel."

"Your 'friend' is an angel," Stephen asked, not believing what he was hearing.

"Yeah. He's really nice and likes bees. Also, he wears a trenchcoat," Dean added.

Stephen stared at him silently. He's never heard of any angels before. Which would be impossible because he keeps track of many intergalactic beings. So why hasn't he heard of this angel?

"Call him," Stephen said, wanting proof of Castiel's existence.

Dean glanced at Tony, who shrugged.

"Cas, it's Dean. Listen, can we meet up again. It's important," Dean prayed while closing his eyes.

He opened his eyes, looking around the room.

"He's probably busy..."

"I'm not busy at the moment."

"SHIT! Dammit, Cas! Stop doing that," Dean snapped, turning around to face Castiel.

"Sorry. It's a force of habit," Castiel said, "What was important that you needed to discuss?"

Stephen stepped closer to him, capturing Castiel's attention.

"You're an angel? You don't look like it," Stephen said.

"You're using the wrong eyes, Dr. Strange," Castiel said.

Stephen opened his third eye to see Castiel's true form. His head panned upwards in subtle terror.

"Holy shit," Stephen whispered.

"You can see his true form? It doesn't hurt you," Dean asked.

"Dr. Strange is known as one of the few earthly creatures to be able to see angelic beings," Castiel said.

"How big is his true form to the point you're looking all the way up," Tony asked.

"He's fucking huge," Stephen said, stepping back, "It's kind of... Terrifying honestly. And I don't say that a lot."

Castiel smirked, making Stephen shiver as he noticed the four heads also smirk at him.

"Okay. I believe you now," Stephen said, blinking away his third eye.

Castiel's angelic form disappeared from his sight. However, Stephen was sure he'd have nightmares about angels now.

"Why haven't I heard of you," Stephen asked.

"We are aware that you keep track of intergalactic beings. However, it was best for other's safety if you didn't keep track of us," Castiel said.

"What do you mean," Stephen asked.

"Some humans are stubborn in regards to not peering into our true forms. Some of your associates wouldn't be able to handle it either," Castiel said.

"So there are more of you," Stephen asked.

"Billions. Perhaps even trillions," Castiel said.

"That's not creepy at all," Stephen muttered, "How are you friends with Dean again?"

"That's what he called me? His friend," Castiel asked, turning to glare at the hunter.

"I panicked, okay," Dean said.

"I'm his guardian angel in a way," Castiel said, looking back at Stephen, "Now, if you don't mind. I have something that needs to be done."

"I thought you weren't busy," Dean said.

"I wasn't before I knew I was a 'friend' of yours," Castiel sassed, turning to leave.

Dean grabbed his arm and kissed him.

"See you later," Dean asked, intertwining his fingers with Castiel's.

"I'll think about it," Castiel teased.

"Playing hard to get," Dean teased back.

"You like when I play hard to get," Castiel winked, disappearing into thin air.

"That doesn't explain the vampires," Stephen said, going back on topic.

"Well, about that," Sam said, stepping forward.

Stephen braced himself for a long night of explanations.

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