Chapter 52: Tracking Peter

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WARNINGS: Slight Violence

Klaus called back home to have Freya do a tracking spell. Tony had JARVIS review the cameras around the tower. He saw Peter with the backpack on, leaving their home. He replayed the footage repeatedly, trying to figure out where he could've gone.

"Anthony, your son must've done this before because he cloaked himself," Klaus said, "Freya can't find him."

"Shit," Dean said, "Peter has been studying John's journal and hunting with us. He knows how to disappear."

"I got off the phone with Wanda. She said she couldn't find him either," Sam reported, "It's like he fell off the face of the earth or he's... He might be de..."

"Don't finish that sentence," Tony snapped, turning to him sharply, "Peter is safe! I'll find him and bring him back home!"

"Tony," Stephen said softly.

"No. No, Stephen. He's just angry right now, and he has a reason to be," Tony said, trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

"Okay. You're right. Peter is fine. He's safe," Stephen reassured, trying to prevent him from having a panic attack.

"JARVIS, track his credit card," Tony said.

"Of course, sir," JARVIS said, "His credit card's last transaction was done at a gas station. Would you like the address?"

"Send it to Stephen," Tony said, calling his Mark 42 Iron Man suit forward, "Stay on standby for me."

Tony put on his glasses as Stephen opened a portal. They stepped in, placing them at the gas station. Then he closed it back up. Tony walked inside while Stephen followed closely behind.

"Excuse me, have you seen an 18-year-old here? About this high, fluffy light brown hair, brown puppy eyes..."

"Oh my god, you're Tony Stark," the cashier grinned, fanboying over him, "May I have your autograph!?"

"In a moment, have you seen this man," Tony asked, showing a picture of Peter.

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to disclose identities..."

The cashier grunted as Stephen shoved his head on the counter. Tony noticed the security cameras staticky as he looked around.

"Why don't you take a closer look for us, hm," Stephen asked, shoving the picture in his face.

"I... Maybe I saw him. Look, man, a lot of people show up in a week. I'm just doing my job," the cashier reasoned.

"Don't lie," Stephen gritted, putting pressure on his head.

"Easy, darling," Tony soothed, calming him down, "Last night, his credit card placed him here. We're trying to find our son. It would be wise if you cooperated."

The cashier looked at the picture again.

"He was getting gas and talking about meeting someone," the cashier said, "I think he was going to Fernado's place. That's all I know."

"Thank you. You didn't see us here, right," Tony asked, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"No. I didn't see anything," the cashier said.

"Good boy," Tony smirked, motioning for Stephen to follow.

Stephen let him go and walked out with Tony.

"Fernado's place," Stephen said, "I can join..."

"I can handle it," Tony interrupted, calling the Mark 42 to his location, "I just need the suit."

"Tony, that guy is bad news," Stephen said, "He's also slippery. You need backup."

Tony took a deep breath.

"I'll call the boys. I need you at home, in case Peter comes back," Tony reasoned.

Stephen kissed him.

"Be careful," Stephen whispered, slipping away from him.

He returned home while Tony walked to Fernado's place, which wasn't far. Sam, Klaus, and Dean met him there with the suit nearby.

"What are we doing here," Dean asked, pushing himself off his car, "Did you find him?"

"I think we got a lead. A word of warning though, things may get messy," Tony said, controlling Mark 42 to follow them to the door.

"Good thing we brought guns," Sam muttered.

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