Chapter 29: More In Control

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Warnings: Sexual Content; Smut

Tony was working in his lab when he heard Stephen walking in.

"Welcome, Dr. Strange. Shall I set up a station for you," JARVIS asked, greeting him.

"No thanks, JARVIS," Stephen said, walking over to Tony.

He wrapped his arms around him, kissing his shoulders. Tony hummed but didn't turn around.

"What are you working on," Stephen asked, resting his chin on his right shoulder.

"Nothing. Just tinkering," Tony said, fidgeting with one of his suits, "Have you heard from the boys yet?"

"No. Do you want me to give Peter a call," Stephen asked.

"I'm sure he's fine," Tony said.

He hissed in pain as his finger slid too finely on a wire. Stephen grabbed his hand and lifted it to his lips.

"That's an easy way to an infection, Doctor," Tony teased, making Stephen smirk.

He grabbed a nearby napkin and held it to his finger. Tony's back pressed against the table, forcing him to stop working. His eyes trailed over Stephen's blue ones. Then, it traveled down to his lips.

"You're staring," Stephen said.

"I'm observing," Tony sassed, "There's a difference."

Stephen met his eyes finally. Tony instantly noticed the look of lust resting in his gaze.

"I know that look," Tony said.

"What look," Stephen asked innocently.

"You know what look I mean," Tony snapped.

Stephen chuckled and leaned in. He kissed Tony's neck and cheek.

"I was thinking about having dinner tonight. You and me at the Sanctum," Stephen suggested, kissing his lips after each sentence, "Then afterward, we can do some research in bed."

"Bed research," Tony asked, smirking against his lips, "That's a new one."

"Well, this research project only requires me. But I love having you as eye candy on the side," Stephen teased, making Tony push him away playfully.

Stephen laughed as he pulled him back in. His lips trailed back to his neck.

"What do you say," Stephen asked.

"What about the kid," Tony asked.

"Peter seems to be enjoying his time with his cousins," Stephen reasoned, "I trust Sam and Dean would protect him. Also, there are others here to keep him safe as well."

"I don't know. We just got back from a gathering, and I really want to rest," Tony complained playfully.

"Says the man who was tinkering only minutes before I walked in," Stephen teased.

"I had to make it look like I was being productive," Tony teased back, turning to his suit.

Stephen held him in place against the table. Both of his hands were on either side of Tony. He continued fidgeting with the suit as Stephen kissed his neck. Tony groaned as he sucked a hickey into his skin.

"Stephen," Tony whispered, feeling his lust travel to him, "You're cheating."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Stephen smirked.

"You know what I mean. You're doing it on purpose," Tony said, his cock hardening in his sweatpants.

Stephen's left hand moved from the table and traveled down to his groin. Tony bit his bottom lip as he felt him up.

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