Cole and Peter- Part 27

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[Photo not mine, from Pinterest]

Cole's pov

Peter suggested taking a hot bath and that sounds great right now.

That nightmare had really messed with me mentally, and the scariest thing was how I felt pain in a dream.

Now that I was awake, I became aware of the fact my body was sore. But it makes sense, my body was so messed up after everything. I'm used to it, just like Peter is with his issues. That at doesn't make it easy, being disabled hurts physically, even more mentally. Not being able to do what I used to really sucks, and I'm not even old yet!

Anyways, today is a good day to just enjoy life. So, let's ignore the negatives and focus on the positives. Right now I have a big positive, my boyfriend.

We filled up the tub with water, both of us getting in. The warm water soothed our bodies. Even though cold water is good for the body and soul. Right now I just want some warmth.

I held Peter close to me, as we sat in silence.

Our breath was quiet and slow, the sunlight shining through the window, some birds chirping and flying around. It's been awhile since I've just relaxed and enjoyed the quiet, becoming invisible again.

"Can we do this everyday? It's a lot nicer than the pond." I said, leaning back in the tub with Peter's head on my chest.

"Maybe not everyday, but at least once a week. I'd be good with that." Peter smiled, his eyes closed, leaning back onto me, with our hands holding each others.

"Well. You know something. I like being with you. Very close to you. Especially when we're naked." I whispered into his ear, trying not to laugh.

"Cole!" He said shocked, hitting me gently.


Later that day Keith came by, he was bored so he just showed up.

So much for having alone time with Peter.

"Got any food?" Keith asked, barging in.

"Uh. Hi." I said, as he walked past me to the kitchen.
"Okay, then." I mumbled, glancing towards Peter.

"See, if you feed them, they always come back." Peter said.

"Yep!" Keith yelled out, his mouth full with some sort of food and his arms holding some bags of snacks.

"You can't just take all of that." I said.

"Watch me." He said, stuffing more food into his mouth.

Sighing, "Alright, you wanna go play a game?" I asked.

"Sure. Sounds good." Keith said.

We sat in the couch and looked for a video game to play, Keith made his way over, his arms full with different foods.

"Don't you have food at home?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have food, but it's nicer to steal your food and play your games. Plus it annoys you." He said.

Sighing again. "Mm."
Peter looked over at me, wrapping his arm around mine and leaning against me, watching as we played a game.


"We need to get more games to play." Keith said.

"What's wrong with these? We've got plenty." I said.

"Yeah, but it gets boring after awhile." He said.

"I stayed on an island for two years, I didn't mind it." I said.

My one shots/fan fic stuff (Cole x Peter)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя