Cole and Peter

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(Based off of Cole Matthew and Peter Driscal. I know other people ship them, there's only a handful of fanfic of them, here on Wattpad. So I'm writing my own to join the group.

I think If anyone has read the book, especially the second one, you can tell they have chemistry between them.

The photo Is of the book, I recommend reading It, I love It. I really had fun with this. And I watched Heartstopper for the first time this week, so that greatly influenced me to write this. I can't wait for more of the show!)


Cole's pov- It was a cool day In Minneapolis, as I walked down the sidewalk. I felt like going for a walk after getting up, so I did, why not. Even though It's cold and windy, It reminded me of the island and made me feel at home. Weird huh?

Me and Peter had some trouble getting settled Into school again, but we finally found our place and are figuring out our futures. We hang out basically every day, he's my best friend. Well, basically my only friend.

Because of the weather, most people weren't outside, but I enjoyed everyday, no matter the weather. The island taught me a lot about life, nature, love, and anger.

Some birds were out, and a breeze that goes right though your clothes. Since I didn't have anything to do today, I just continued to walk and enjoy the view.

I eventually walked up at a house, where I saw a man cleaning up his yard. Then I realized It was actually Garvey. He lived here as well.

"Hey, Garvey" I shouted with a smile.

"Oh, hey Cole. What are you doing out here?" Garvey said.

"I just felt like a walk. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, not much. I have been spending time with my family and doing some work. I got so used to being your probation officer, that I forgot about other work stuff I'm supposed to be doing."

"Aw, you care that much about Garvey. That's sweet."

"Yeah, I am. I'm proud that you changed your ways Cole. I always knew you could."

"Thanks Garvey. You know, I never heard you talk about your family. What are they like? Can I meet them or something?"

"Well, I'm married and have two daughters. But I don't know about that."

"Wait what. You don't want me to meet them? Why not Garvey?" I said confused.

"It's not you Cole, It's just-...My daughters are teenagers and I don't want you to...Be around them."

"Not be around them? You just said I changed so what does that mean? That's kinda rude Garvey."

"You have changed Cole, and I said It's not you. It's just me being a overprotective father. That doesn't want my daughters dating guys. I just want to spend time with them and give them a good life, hopefully away from any guys that won't treat them well." Garvey explained.

"Okay, that makes sense. But I'm sure they know better than to pick a jerk of a guy for a boyfriend."

"You would be surprised Cole. Crushes, love and lust are all overwhelming, especially for teenage girls."

"Well, why can't I meet them? I wanna know more about you Garvey. You know so much about me, so why not. What about having dinner together?"

"Eh, maybe. I'll think about It. Why don't you get back to your walk. It's getting a little to chilly out here for me. I'll see you later Cole." Garvey said as he waved and walked back to his house.

"Alright, then. I'll catch you later, so don't run to fast." I said as I waved and winked with a smirk.

I turned around and continued my walk down the path. Yeah, um definitely crashing one of their dinners If they don't invite me soon.

My one shots/fan fic stuff (Cole x Peter)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum