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[Not my photo: From Peakpx]
(Wattpad keeps making the photos a black screen 😑)

I had this idea for awhile, but it took awhile to write it. This will be a dark chapter, so if you need to skip, feel free too.

⚠️Trigger warning: there will be some dark stuff going on, but I don't wanna give it away.

The next chapter will be happy and light hearted

[I was planning to make this longer and ever darker, more emotional. But I really wanted to get this posted.]


"Alright, kid. You can go home now. Do you want or need someone to drive you?" The cop said, putting the paperwork in a file and looking over at me.

"No. I'll walk." I said, slowly getting up and leaving.
It had been a few days since I'd been there. I could've left at anytime, but I just stayed there.
It took a few days, but I did finally tell the cop what he wanted. Now I had no reason to stay there.

The sunlight hurt my eyes as I stepped outside. Walking down the sidewalk with my hands in my pockets. I had no reason to rush home. So why even go back?

Slowly making my way closer, clouds started to move in, darkening the sky. Dark thoughts clouded my mind as well. It isn't worth it to go there. I should just turn around and never look back.

Stopping in my tracks as I stared ahead. I could leave right now. Never look back again.

But I can't. No matter how much I want to.


After battling with those thoughts, I finally managed to get to the front door. Putting my hand by the handle, but I froze up. What's going to happen?

It's better to just get it over with now...

Putting my hand on the door's handle, slowly and quietly walking in. Glancing around quickly to see if he was there. There was no sight of him, yet.

The house was dirty and messy like usual. It even smelled worse than the cell I was in. Cigarette smoke and trash piled up around the house. No matter how many times we cleaned, it just got worse. And he only got angrier.

Making my way through the house, stepping on the quiet spots as I went towards my room. He has to be here somewhere. Why hasn't he noticed or yelled at me yet?

I some how many it to my room, closing the door behind me. Turning on a lamp in the dark room. A storm was brewing outside and my windows were boarded up, so the old, crappy lamp was all I had for light.

My room was a mess. My stuff was thrown everywhere, papers ripped, things broken, some stuff was probably missing too.
He's definitely mad. But maybe he'll be to tired to notice that I'm back. Maybe...

I fixed up my bed a little then laid down. My mind felt so numb and tired. It was always foggy. I forgot what it's like to focus. To be in the moment. I've forgotten a lot of things now.

Strong winds hit the old house, rain so heavy and loud it sounded like hail. Even with all the commotion of the sudden, loud noises, I felt so tired. I've gotten so used to it, I ended up just falling asleep.


At some point I started to wake up, no clue how long I was there for.
Laying on a bed made my body so comfortable, my mind finally being able to rest.

Until I heard the bedroom door handle turn, oh no. He knows I'm here.

But to my surprise, it was a sweeter face. My little sister, Chloe. She was surprised to see me too, her eyes wide and her jaw dropping. She quietly closed the door and ran over to me.

My one shots/fan fic stuff (Cole x Peter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ