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I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but It mostly just for my own entertainment, and If I do publish this, congrats you get to read It.

(Photo Is mine. I've been enjoying photography.)

I want to try writing and reading more, I like reading actually books and writing on paper. But online I can find Interesting stories and write a lot quicker.

You may notice somethings about how I write. I use the same words a lot. (Ex: and) I like using "..." I get bored about writing a whole, complete story, I just wanna get to the point. I also switch between pov's, I have a hard time just staying In one. (First, second and third person.) and I have a hard time writing "i" without capitalizing them.

But practice makes perfect! And It about having fun, but being completely perfect.

Oh and If you notice any misspellings that I didn't fix, just tell me and will go fix them 😊

Feel free to say yours opinions...but good only.

Also check out the conversation tab, or check out my other stories 📖👋

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