Cole and Peter- Part 23

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{I was trying to put some of the writing aligned in the middle of the screen. But it's like glitching out. 😡😫 stupid Wattpad glitch!!!!}


Cole's pov

"Mm, good morning, baby." I mumbled, holding Peter close, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Hymp." Peter mumbled, burying his face into the bed.

"Come on, it's morning. Time to get up." I said.

"Noooo." He whined.

"Why don't you want to get up? It's a nice day, come on! Let's go enjoy the day, have fun!" I said excitedly.

He looked up at me, tired and annoyed. Judging me with his squinted eyes.

I sighed and frowned. "Fine. I'll make breakfast for myself. So your on your own." I said, getting off the bed.

"Wait. Make me something, pleaseeee?" Peter pouted.

"Only if you get up." I said, crossing my arms.

"Whyyyy!? I'm really tired. I don't want to get up." He said.

"Because, its morning and we should do something today. Something fun. I might even take you on a date." I said.

He tried to hide a smile, "Fine. I'll go downstairs for breakfast. But I'm stay here until then." He said then covered himself with a blanket.

Sighing, "Alright."

"So about a date... are you finally going to take me on one?" Peter asked, taking a few bites of his food.

"I will gladly take you on a date, baby. I will make it the best date ever for you." I said.

"Well considering I've never been on a date. Any date would probably be better than nothing. I mean, unless you really mess it up." He said.

"Uh, hey! It would- it will be great! I'll plan something soon. Because we both deserve some special time together. Away from everyone, away from the drama. All of that." I said.

"Alright, you do that." He said walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" I asked.

"Back to sleep!" He yelled back as he headed upstairs.

"But you just got up!" I yelled. Then got up to follow him.

"Cole. Why are you following me?" He asked annoyedly.

"Because we're supposed to spend every minute together." I said sarcastically.

He crossed his arms, "I'm going to take a shower. Why don't you go plan a date for us?"

"Why can't I join you? I can think while we shower together." I said.

"Ugh, Cole. You'll survive. You already woke me up to soon." He said as he grabbed some clothes and a towel.

"So? You'll forgive me. You always do." I smiled.

My one shots/fan fic stuff (Cole x Peter)Where stories live. Discover now