Cole and Peter- Part 15

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(Photo not mine.)


Cole's pov-

"Are you enjoying that?" I asked Peter as he ate some of the Valentine's candy.

"Yep." He smiled.

"Why didn't I get anything? I don't like being left out, this Isn't fair." Keith said.

"Well your not In a relationship." Spencer said.

"So? Friends can still give gifts." Keith said.

"You didn't get us anything." I said.

"Wel- okay. But I can. How about I get all of you a gift then I get a gift from all of you? Kind of like a secret santa, but In February." Keith said.

"Damn. You really need to get a girlfriend." Spencer said.

"Maybe you should play match maker for him." I said.

"Ooo, I would probably be good at that. Come on Keith, let's find you a girl!" Spencer said then moved closer to Keith.


"Hey, Peter. I'm going over to my dads job, so I might be able to talk to him. I'll be back later and If you want I could bring you some food." I said.

"But I don't want you to leave." He pouted.

"I won't be gone to long. You'll survive." I said walking towards the door.

He moved closer to me, shuffling on his knees and pouting. "Pleeeeease?"

"I don't know If you should. I just- I need some time with him. But I'll be back, baby. Then me and you can do something. How about that?" I said.

"Ugh...fine." He said giving me a kiss.

"Also, I thought you didn't like being out around people? Hmm." I said then made my way to my dads office, I'm not sure how busy he'll be, but at least he won't be mad about me being there...I think. He shouldn't be. I don't even know where he lives now, but I guess I don't really need to.

Anyways. I walked out of the house and down the streets Into the building and found my dads office, then knocked.

"Come In." He said and I walked In. He was writing something down and was surprised to see me here, again.
"Cole. I wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to stop by. And I also promised to get Peter some food." I said as I stepped closer to the desk.

"Well, If you came over here to talk, I'm sorry to say I'm a bit busy at the moment. But I might have some time tomorrow. So we can talk more then." He said while looking at the papers on his desk.

"I understand. I just felt like coming over here. Tomorrow works for me, whenever your not busy. I'll let you keep working." I said.

"Alright. Sorry about you walking over here just to leave." He said.

"It's okay. I enjoy walking around. But I do miss the nature, instead of the cars and air pollution, what not." I said then paused before saying. "You said sorry twice y'a know." I smirked.

"Yeah, I did huh." He smiled back.

"Can I get a hug?" I said and immediately felt like a little kid. Why did I even say that? Maybe thats just what I needed?

"Yeah. Come here." He said standing up, holding out his arms.
A huge smile was on my face as I rushed over to him and hugged him. I haven't felt comfortable around my dad like this since...basically never. I miss having him as a dad and not as an abusive drunk.

My one shots/fan fic stuff (Cole x Peter)Where stories live. Discover now