#Follow |  Settlers' vehicles were damaged by stones near the town of Derastiya, northwest of Salfit

#Urgent |  Our correspondent: 12 martyrs when occupation aircraft targeted a house belonging to the “Abdeen” family, north of the city of Rafah

#Follow |  Calls for Arab youth to demonstrate on Land Day, March 30, after Tarawih prayers in front of American and occupation embassies in Arab countries;  In support of Gaza and to demand an end to the war of extermination

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the village of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya in the West Bank

#watched |  The occupation forces release a number of Palestinian prisoners at the enclave checkpoint northwest of Jerusalem

#watched |  “Oh Amman, this will come. Let all the people come.”

From the vicinity of the occupation embassy in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

#watched |  “Jihad, jihad... all the people are ready.”

From the chants of Jordanians in front of the occupation embassy in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

#Urgent |  Lebanese News Agency: Occupation artillery shells the vicinity of the Hamams area in southern Lebanon

#Watch |  “Those who opened the land bridge, and those who accepted normalization...the people among you are disowned. The people of Jordan are not selling.”

From the Amman demonstrations in front of the occupation embassy in support of Gaza.

#Follow |  Occupation forces storm the vicinity of the Al-Qibli prayer hall in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

#watched |  A touching scene of one of the children of Gaza who were exhausted by the famine caused by the occupation's war of starvation

#Urgent |  Confrontations broke out between young men and the occupation forces in the village of Al-Mughayir, northeast of Ramallah

#Image |  Settlers set fire to vegetable stands opposite the village of Ain al-Bayda in the northern Jordan Valley

#watched |  Despite the occupation’s restrictions and the obstruction of access, people are secluding themselves in the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft carry out a raid on Jabalia camp, north of Gaza

#Follow |  A press statement issued by Hamas:

🔻The order issued by the International Court of Justice today to the Zionist enemy, requiring the entry of aid and basic services into Gaza;  It must be accompanied by an executive mechanism imposed by the international community, binding the fascist occupation, which uses starvation as a weapon against civilians.  It must be implemented immediately, so that this decision does not remain a dead letter, as the fascist occupation government, despite the previous decisions of the court, is still continuing its brutal war of extermination against our people, without any deterrent.

  The Zionist occupation government has consistently ignored all international resolutions, the latest of which is the resolution issued by the UN Security Council calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, in behavior that confirms that this terrorist entity is acting as if it is above the law and accountability, due to the cover provided by the administration.  America is a partner in all crimes committed against children and defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip.

#Follow |  Writer and political analyst Tawfiq Tohme: All Zionist conspiracies failed in the face of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, who refused displacement and held on to their land.

The Diaries of Palestine Part 2 (The 7th of October)Where stories live. Discover now