The scary thing was that I hadn't been afraid of Zyker's parents...ok well maybe I was afraid of his dad, just a little. But initially I had bailed because of Zyker, I didn't like the way he looked at me. It wasn't a bad look. He was looking at me with need. Why? I had no idea, he definitely didn't need me. No just wanted to possess me. He wanted me for reasons I had yet to find out. Except for the vague response he had given at dinner; You're mine.


Dinner consisted of six guest; Astrid and her husband, me, Zyker,Cory and some much older dude who Zyker kept shooting glares at. He's been tense all day and it was seriously making me nervous. Zyker was a guy who liked control and the people seated at this table where way more powerful, especially Zyker's father. He didn't have a care in the world, his authority was displayed in his entire being. The way he held himself, the way he walked, the intensity in his eyes He reminded me of a bottled up explosion. I didn't want to go anywhere near him. I was about a hundred percent sure that he didn't like me.

Astrid was the first to break the silence. "I love the house honey, it's absolutely lovely," she gushed, beaming brightly at her son. Her husband simply lifted his cup and gazed into it distastefully.

"Thanks mother."

Astrid turned her charm on me, and I sat back in my seat, completely aware of Zyker's gaze. "How are you Angelina? Is Zyker treating you well?" I wanted to tell her no. Why just today he went and knocked down a metal door. I think he was planning on eating me. But under the table I felt him drop his hand on my knee, it wasn't a soothing gesture, it was a warning. Took everything in me to maintain my smile. "He's cool. Yesterday he took me to some fancy restaurant! He also promised to teach me how to drive." Boy was I good.

There was so much happiness in Astrid eyes as she leaned forward, I caught sight of her husband's smile...well I think it was a smile. Only the corner of his lip tilted up. And it was only for a minuscule second but there was a sparkle in his eyes as he gazed down at her. They were an odd couple. Astrid had the energy of a puppy, she was such an enthusiastic person. Her husband on the other hand reminded me of a boulder. He was...well, hard. I wouldn't dare go up and hug for the fear that he would be tempted crush me.

"How do you like the house?" I shrugged.

"It's big. I still haven't really explored everything. Though recently I found out we have a salon."

Astrid turned her questioning gaze on Zyker, a delicate brow arched.

"She only visits about four rooms. Usually the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom. She's not very adventurous." Huh. I guess I didn't really like adventure. I was a pretty repetitive person. Once I got into a routine I liked to keep up with it. There was also the fact that I spent most of my time avoiding Zyker.

"I also go to his room."

That seemed to get Zyker's father attention, he met my gaze, his harsh and piercing. I immediately looked away. "She doesn't share a room with you?"

"No." Zyker's tone was clipped. He was annoyed that they were drilling him of his personal life. I was pretty sure his father was going to question him further but Astrid cut in. "You spent the day showing us around and yet you haven't showed you're soon to be wife the rest of your home? I raised you better than that."

"It's not my fault. She stays copped up in her room. I barely see her."

Zyker's father turned to his wife." I told you this wasn't a good idea. I don't like this. They are too far away for comfort."

"You two are both lucky you have the luxury of living in a place this extravagant," there was something tenacious in the old man's exterior. It was clear that he held great importance.

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