Chapter 12

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This update was long over due. But I kept getting stuck on it and now I'm finally happy with it so here it is. I hope you guys like it because we're closer to a question the keeps appearing in the comments.

I also want to thank you guys for reading this book. I never intended for it to get this many reads. I had convinced myself that I was perfectly fine with getting less than 200 but I've gotten in the thousands and it just a huge mile stone for me. Thanks :D

This is for my lovely duckies.

MWA! I love you guys <3

The blue headed chick escorted me to the bathroom, and to my utter surprise she didn't say a word. Simply waved me into the room, turned around and stood directly in front of the entrance.


After I got done doing my business I washed my hands and searched the room for the napkin dispenser. Except... I found something much, much better. The bathroom had a window. Who would have guessed? Somebody upstairs was definitely looking out for me.

Napkin forgotten. I wiped my palms on my dress and walked over to the closed window.

I wonder...

Standing on my tip toes, I reached for the window, pulled a couple times before realizing that it was locked. Groaning in frustration I fell back on my heels. It was too good to be true... or was it. I stood back on my tip toes, this time I looked for the tiny levers that usually locked the window in place. In to my surprise, I found them! The dusty windows cracked open and a chilly breeze escaped from the small gap I'd managed to open. Once I pried the whole thing open I stepped back and admired my work, wiping away the sheen of sweat I'd develop during this tedious task.

Honestly, I hadn't planned on escaping when I asked to use the bathroom. I seriously had to make a deposit...but this-- this was a sign.

And as much as I...uhhhh enjoyed Zyker's.... company. Not really. He did kidnap me, he was holding me against my will and he had handcuffed me to the table! Handcuffed!! Now I could be a hand full but cuffing a person to a table was extreme? Besides he had me caged in an apartment like a bird. No matter how awesome the apartment was, it was still a prison. Especially when he had people outside the door with loaded weapons. I didn't trust Zyker, not completely and he didn't trust me. That much was clear. And i wasn't sure how that made me feel. But it did make me feel...

I especially didn't appreciate him bringing his entourage on our night out! He'd promised it would just be me and him. But instead he'd brought his entire guard. I scouted them all out while Mrs. Smurf took me to the little lady's room.

So with all that in mind... I climbed out the bathroom window and out into the brisk night. It was slightly chilly and I'd left my jacket at the table. But my cash and my cellphone were stuffed in my bra. I had wrapped the phone in tissue before stuffing it down my front. I so wasn't planning on getting breast cancer in this day of age. I also had a little bit of cash on me. My debit card had a little over 200$ on it. I'd be able to buy some sort of ticket.

Sadly I hadn't thought this over. I knew I'd escape but I so didn't expect tonight to be the night. And the fact that I was currently standing in a dark alley full of garbage wasn't very assuring to me. So I started down the road, having no idea where I was going or how to speak these peoples language. I attempted once to communicate with one of the french people; all I got was a blank stare

So when a bus passed I got on and dropped two quarters in the box thingy the man pointed at. I'd never gotten on a bus before and I'd always thought they were free.

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