Chapter 21

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I had been updated. And I was wondering why it hadn't gotten any votes. It was published as 'Private.' I am so sorry guys.

Sometime earlier I had been awaken. I was much to dropsy to question how he had entered my bedroom chambers. I resisted his efforts at waking me up but I soon yielded to his persistence after he dumped a cup of ice water on my head. I shot up, about ready to strangle the man.

The reason why he had awoken me was so that he could inform me that he was leaving. I hadn't seen why he needed to tell me, he always left at random hours of the day. Apparently his father had called for him. He continued to explain that he would not return until three. The staff would be absent and Cory was leaving with him. He told me that I was to stay put, to refrain from escaping. Not like I could anyhow, the doors were locked.

"I swear, Angel." He had whispered. "I will do my very best to convince my father to exclude you from this ball." He kissed my cheek; my eyes slammed down and I was vaguely aware of him settling me back down, tucking my blankets in underneath me.

My pillow was still wet.

When I woke up I texted Erin. I had promised him I would text him last night and I had forgotten. But he didn't seem to matter when he called me back minutes later. He chattered excitedly about some game his team had won last Friday. We ended the conversation on a good note.

After speaking to my friend I felt renewed. I left the room, Gilliot followed after me as I scrambled across the hall to Zykers room, pressing my palm against the scanner I waited patiently as the door slid all the way open. I disappeared into his room. It smelt exactly like him. Smooth and crisp like the bark of wood. Yet minty. Zykers breath always smelt like my favorite flavor of mint bubble gum. Disturbing.

Shaking my head free of the images of my living companion I made my way towards his closet. Zykers room was ridiculously tidy. I doubted there were even any dust particle in the air. Of course he didn't clean it himself His maids did. Not that they had much to clean up afterall. Zyker was a neat freak. He hated messes. I watched as the turkey flapped his wings and jumped up on Zykers large bed. He wasted no time nestling himself in the divine confines of the mattress. I sort of wanted to join him; I missed Zykers bed.

Last night I had snuck into his office. A room I was forbidden to go into, I was searching for evidence as to who he was: Job intel, Licence, green card, age; Anything. I mean what job required a person to leave at four in the morning. Zykers office was in our wing. It's doors were heavy ceder. It wasn't hard to get in. All I had done was scanned my palm and the thick doors popped opened. I hadn't found much of anything. His laptop required a password and no matter how many times I tried, I hadn't been able to break it. His cabinets were also empty, so I scanned through the books that filled the three large shelves. He liked things like astronomy, car manuals and war strategics novels. Boring. I'd been so busy that I hadn't noticed him enter. He'd been there watching with a scowl of anger marring his gorgeous face. He barked one command. "Out!" And I had gone, annoyed that I hadn't been able to hack that laptop.

So imagine my surprise that I still had free reign to his bedroom. But I wasn't in the mood to search through the room just yet. I climbed the stairs of the closet to my section. The majority of my cloths filled only two racks of the room of glass cases. I had always thought that my closet was large. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants from a rack. Slid them on after yanking off my onesie and pulled on a bright blue t-shirt. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail as I headed out of Zykers room. My laptop tucked under my arm, the doors slid open and I hastily made it back to my room. Today I was doing my own research.

Opening a new browser I typed the words Arnon's Mountain; the mountain Zyker said we lived on. Nothing popped up.

"Who are you Zyker Ricarda? "

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