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Dawson was sat in his cottage in Trunswick, writing up some paperwork. He had many more things to do that day, so he'd been working since morning. 

He put down his pencil. His hand was hurting. He had have to gone through at least 100 documents that morning. 

Dawson looked out through his cottage window. The sun was up, not a single cloud in the sky. He decided to go out for a walk through the town. It was too nice outside to not go for an afternoon stroll. But I gotta get this done.

He pulled up and sleeve and summoned Rumfuss. The boar looked up at him, and then his surroundings, and then snorting, probably saying You've been in this musty cabin the whole day?

"Cottage," Dawson said indignantly. "And also I have work to do. But... I could also go for a walk." Rumfuss nudged him in the leg. He already knew what his answer would be. He pushed open the cottage door and was immediately met by a soft breeze. Dawson breathed in the fresh air. He immediately forgot what he was worrying about and slowly made his way to the town center.

On the way there, he greeted some of the townsfolk.

"Hey there, Mr. May-" One of the folk started. He cleared his throat. "Dawson." Dawson waved in return.

While Dawson was the mayor for a time, he ultimately decided to step down. Trunswick needed strong leadership, and felt he didn't have enough age or experience to lead a town. So, he helped rebuild Trunswick, resigned his position as mayor, and held an election. Trunswick was in good hands. He bid his farewell to the town, and traveled to Greenhaven to meet up with old friends.

But... the mayor was then assassinated. So Dawson had to return to Trunswick to help get the town back on its feet once again.

He stopped in his tracks. He thought back to when he left Greenhaven. He sighed.

When he left, it was a little... gloomy to say the least. He remembered receiving the letter, stating that the mayor was killed and they wanted him back. He remembered that he told his friends, his family, that he needed to leave. 


"What-" Worthy said, surprised. "You're... leaving?"

Dawson sighed. "I have to, I'm really sorry. They need me back in Trunswick."

Worthy fidgeted nervously. "What happened?"

"According to the letter, the current mayor was assassinated. The townsfolk are asking for me to come back." Worthy looked despondent.

"I guess you're needed elsewhere," Worthy said. "I won't be the one to stop you. But, I just..." Worthy trailed off solemnly.

"Come here," Dawson said, gently.

Dawson walked up to him, and Worthy pulled him into a hug.


Dawson took a deep breath and kept walking. 

He needed to buy food again, so he dipped into one of the grocery stores.

The door chimed on the way in. He walked around the aisles, picking up vegetables and such.

Dawson was so glad he could even do this again. Back when the town was in shambles, all the crops had failed and there was almost a famine. He couldn't be happier that it bounced back and recovered. 

As he went to pay, a black cat jumped onto the counter. The person at the counter shooed her off. 

"Sorry!" The lady said. "She just wants attention right now." The cat mewed at her angrily. 

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