Crush Bluff

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Worthy, Jolt, Dawson, Rollan, Dorian, Takoda, and Shane sat in Worthy's room.

"Okay, next question," said Jolt as he glanced at the clock on the wall, almost midnight. "Gerathon, why does this card read crush!?" Shane burst out laughing. Jolt knew he would find some crafty way to avoid the question. Worthy didn't need to avoid it. Jolt would obviously be put on the spot. Conor must have known it was coming when he left to get drinks. Jolt sent his gaze to Dawson and Dorian.

"No one." bluffed Dorian.

"Yeah, sure," said Shane. "Dorlani."

He grunted. "Ha, ha, very funny, I do not have a-"

"Hey, look, it's Kalani!" called Rollan. Dorian jumped up and ran to the door.

"Where!?" Everyone burst out laughing.

"No crush, ey?" Dorian glared at them and went to sit back down.

"Dawson, your turn." said Worthy with a grin. Dawson shot a glare at his brother.

"Unlike Dorian, mine is no one."

"Again!? Come on, you can do better than that!"

"I would never lie!" insisted Dawson.

"Come on, you're making this boring."

Dawson set a glare on his face, then muttered, "I'll give you clues, but I won't tell you if it's right or not."

"That's more like it." smiled Worthy.


"TASHA!" They all yelled.

"But I didn't even finish the clue."

"And?" said Shane. "We all know it's her." Dawson turned his back on the group when Worthy sent him a hug, tackling him to the floor. He laughed and let his brother hug him after a little struggle. Jolt wished he had a brother. He was often jealous of the two. In fact, he was often jealous of Worthy. He had a beautiful, kind, wife, who he was able to confess his love for, while he was stuck with an even better girl but he couldn't proclaim his love out loud.

"Rollan, you next," said Dorian.

"Rollan who?" asked Rollan. Jolt facepalmmed.


"No, I am FALCONMASTER!" Worthy burst out laughing and Dawson sniggered a little beside him. Shane, Jolt, and Dorian all kept a straight face and pretended to be unamused.

"Who's Falconmaster's crush then?" asked Shane teasingly.

"No one," 'Falconmaster' said defiantly.

"Not even Lady Panda?" asked Dorian.

"Okay, fine Lady Panda is Falconmaster's crush."

"Who next?" asked King.

"You," said Jolt with a grin.

"Okay, fine" There was a noise outside and Conor poked his head around the door "Um, guys, I need a hand. I kinda just dropped all the glasses."

"I always have to clean up after Song, I'll go," said Shane, hesitatingly getting up and rushing out the door and thanking Conor on his way out.

"Worthy, you next then," said Jolt postponing his turn.

"Shadow," he said simply. "Believe it or not."

"Wow, a real shocker," said Dawson.

"Hey, it's not my fault we are the only ones brave enough to get married, none of you have done it. We have done it four times. You think I'm gonna hide that I like her after that?" Jolt rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Okay, Jolt, your go." King and Conor came back in. Just great, thought Jolt, as he fiddled with the card in his hands. Now, I have even more people to admit it to. Then, an idea struck him. What if I just admit it like Worthy did just now. But everybody already knew about him and Shadow. His eyes flew to the sparkly rings on Worthy's fingers again. A pang of jealousy hit him.

"No one," he said.

"Why is everyone so shy? I really doubt it's no one." said Worthy.

"Yeah, really, I don't like anyone. Not even all of you." He joked.

"Jolt!" Worthy sniggered. Then, there was a knock on the door. Worthy shoved Dawson to his feet.

"Hey, if you want something done, do it yourself!" Dawson protested.

"Conorrrrrrrrr!" called Worthy.

"I don't work for you anymore, Worthy. But I'll get it." Conor walked over and opened the door. Shadow, Raisha, Tasha, and Meilin stood there.

"Shadow!" Cried Worthy, jumping to his feet and running over to her. Conor facepalmed.

"Hi there," said Shadow quickly hugging him. Jolt's eyes were on Raisha. He noticed how Dawson had gotten up and followed his brother, or at least that's what he wanted them to think. They all knew he really was going to see Tasha. He held his hand out to the Stetriolan girl and she took it. Both of them were blushing madly. Jolt wondered what was going on inside their heads. Dawson took Tasha to sit down where he and Worthy had been sitting before Shadow joined them. Jolt looked up at his bean bag a bit, making room for Raisha, who didn't look at him as she came and sat next to him, very, very close to him. He liked that Meilin went straight to Falconmaster and sat with him.

"So then, guys, what are you all doing here?" asked Shane.

"We got bored," said Shadow, leaning against Worthy. "And I was missing you." He laughed.

"I was missing you too." He put his arm around her and Jolt reached out to put his arm around Raisha before realizing what he was doing, but he did it anyway and no one seemed to notice.

"Where's Abeke?" asked Conor.

"Behind meeeeeeeeeee," sang Song, running through the door everyone was shocked into silence. Song had just used a door. Abeke, Kalani, and Katilan came running in behind her, both out of breath

"Song, I can't believe you used a door," said Shane.

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