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Shadow wanted to tell Worthy to stop pacing. Watching him walk back and forth across her bedroom was annoying, but she still could not speak. Her voice had left her. She had gotten a bit back, just enough to make the tiniest whisper, but no one could hear her properly. She had clearly caught something while she was out in the storm. She felt terrible and kept having coughing fits. Her throat felt dry and sore, and she felt cold and empty.

"But what if you never get your voice back?" Worthy was saying. "What if I never hear that sweet sound of your voice again!?" She slammed her hand down on the bedside table. It made a huge bang and got his attention. He came over. "Sorry, was I-". She shook her head, then held out her arms. She wanted a hug. He pulled her close. He was warm, which was a massive relief to Shadow, who was freezing.

"How is she?" came Meilin's voice from the doorway. Worthy didn't let go of Shadow, but he answered them.

"She is the same as the last time you checked." Meilin walked into the room, followed by Tasha, Abeke, Katalin, Raisha, and Song. Tasha ran over and hugged Shadow. Worthy stepped back so Shadow's friends could see her. Song rubbed the back of her neck.

"I... umm- I'm sorry, Shadow... I..."

"You didn't mean it," Shadow tried to say, forgetting her voice didn't work. The tiniest whisper escaped her lips. Tasha heard it and passed the message on to Song.

"I was so worried about you," Raisha said. "I'd have helped, but Jolt can't get wet, so I turned the whole of Greenhaven upside down in case you were still inside."

"Who said you have to stay with Jolt?" asked Meilin. Raisha blushed and hid her face.

"I just-- you know, thought he might get a bit lonely."

"I could have stayed with him," said Worthy. "He's my best friend, and I hate water too."

"You were the first one out there, Worthy," said Meilin.

"What? Shadow was in trouble," Worthy sighed. "I think I'm going to go and get some food. Girls, can you look after Shadow for me?"

"Of course," said Abeke, sitting on Shadow's bed. She held out one arm around the girl, who shivered. Abeke was also warm, so Shadow was thankful for her being there.

"Nothing will happen to her, we promise," said Katalin. "And if something bad happens, you can kill Song."

"Hey, I never agreed to that!"

"Worthy will need someone to blame."

"I'm trusting you all, alright?" he said. He walked over to Shadow and took her hands.

"My love, I won't be long, I promise. Just hang in there." She nodded, and then, with a nervous glance over his shoulder, he left the room.

Worthy POV:

Worthy felt his worry eating away at him. He walked to the dining hall and spotted Dawson and Jolt talking. He walked over to his brother and his best friend.

"Hey, man. How's Shadow doing?" asked Jolt the second he sat down.

"Terrible," he said. "She can't speak, and won't stop shivering, and every now and then, she'll break down in a coughing fit."

Dawson put one arm around Worthy.

"It'll be okay. Is Tasha with her now?"

"Yes, she and the girls are watching over her while I came out for something to eat."

"Tasha will do a good job looking after her, I wouldn't worry," Dawson stated.

"Raisha will as well," added Jolt. "She's the best."

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