I Need to Be Perfect

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Worthy's POV:

Jolt paced the floor, grabbing his hair and pulling it nervously as he paced back and forth, clearly stressed.

"Hey... um, buddy you might not want to do that.," said Worthy, rather unhelpfully.

"Why!?" snapped Jolt. Worthy flinched back.

"You don't want to accidentally tear out your hair." Worthy said with a smile. Jolt flopped down onto his bed. Worthy jumped up and ran to sit next to him. "I know how you feel," He said. "It must be hard and scary, but trust me, I've been there."

"Yeah, but it was always going to work out,  you and Shadow were meant for each other."

"She didn't think so. You saw that amount of times she denied me." Worthy said, but Jolt sighed.

"But she was your good friend, it wasn't like messing up was going to break everything! You mess up all the time, it's normal for you." Worthy didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not.

"Uhh... thanks?"

"Anytime." Jolt smiled nervously.

"Well then, maybe talk to King."

"Again, he and Abeke are friends. Besides, messing up isn't exactly unexpected for him either. He did start a war after all."


"But then again he also fixed his wrongs and helped us all..."


"And he is a nice guy, one of my best friends."

"Again, true."

"But still, his situation is very different from mine."


"Enough with the trues!"

"Tru- ahem, of course," Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Worthy went to open it to find that Shadow and King stood there.

"Shadow!" He said, ignoring his leader and hugging his wife.

"Hey there, catgirl." He blushed as Shane elbowed past him and into the room.

"Ow!" He called after the boy.

"Not sorry!" He replied.

"So..." Said Shadow. "I spoke to Raisha." Jolt sat upright at her name. "And she is so excited and happy, and quite frankly, is also outstandingly nervous."

"Nervous? Why? It's only me," asked Jolt.

"Tell her, not me."

"I should go." He said, moving to leave. "Raisha is such a special girl, so- so otherworldly. She summoned Gerathon, for Tellun's sake!"

"Oh no, do not do that." Said Shadow. "You'll kill the girl."

"No!" Cried Jolt. Worthy walked over to him, and put his arm around his best friend.

"Hey, hey, Jolt it's ok."

"Shouldn't you be helping Raisha get ready?" asked Shane, looking towards Shadow.

"I probably should," admitted Shadow. "But I've always gotten along better with boys in times like these, (true) and my husband is here."

"Hey, maybe you could be like a spy, and report back to us how she is doing!" Suggested Worthy.

"Oh, good plan! And to cover it up I'll say I'm spying on Jolt for her, when really it's for you!" Jolt looked at Worthy.

"Man, I love your wife." Worthy proceeded to punch him in the nose. Based on the shock on Shadow's face he guessed he had read the situation wrong, and now Jolt had a huge bruise on the nose as Worthy had punched hard.

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