The Storm

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Shadow watched the rain on her window. She saw how every new drop landed, then made a path like a out-growing its tail. Down the glass, she saw when two drips collided and merged into a bigger one, racing down the window pane to the bottom, where the water pooled on her window ledge. She wasn't going to waste this day. She never really got time to herself and, as much as she loved her friends, sometimes all she wanted was to be alone. This was the perfect day. If she went outside, Jolt wouldn't bother her. Raisha would obviously stay with Jolt, while Worthy leave at all because he hated water with everything in him. Rollan would complain if he went out, so he and Meilin would stay put. Abeke, Shane, Katalin and Conor were less predictable, but with this downpour, they probably wouldn't come out or expect her to be out. Song would definetly be out there, but Shadow need not worry about her as she could stay clear of the girl... she hoped she needn't worry about Halawir either. The eagle couldn't fly as well in the rain, so would be most likely huddled on the top floor somewhere. Tasha and Dawson might be out, but even if that was so they were both quiet people, so they wouldn't bother her

Walking outside, Shadow breathed in the scent. Wet earth, oh how she loved it. There was a light breeze strong enough to bother Shadow, but it felt perfectly normal blowing across her pale skin. Hundreds of birds sang in the trees each their own unique and different song, chittering and chirping, singing to her she walked across the wet grass. Feeling it beneath her bare feet, it felt like a new carpet, all soft and welcoming as she walked she sang her favorite song. The rain hit her skin like gentle stings hitting her body. The sound of the water falling from the sky and hitting the soft earth was enchanting, soothing, and calming. The wind picked up.

She wrapped her cloak tighter around, her hair blew across her face. She stopped singing and shivered. She went to shelter at the front of a large tree. The ground was soaking and the water soaked through her clothes. She shivered again. Suddenly, she was freezing. The freedom she had once felt was gone, replaced with fear. What had been rain had turned into a storm. She wanted to faint, just close her eyes and give up. The musical cries of the birds sounded more like distress. Now, she could see the warm lights of the castle. She was too scared to get up and walk there to loose what little shelter she had pulling her cloak over her legs. She sneezed and she pressed her head against the tree trunk.

"Shadow!" She heard Meilin call. She opened her mouth to respond, but made no sound.

"Shadow!" Tasha sounded scared "Shadow?"

"We'll find her... don't worry." Dawson was saying she couldn't see them only hear their voices carried on the wind.

"Shadow!" Meilin called again. An idea struck Shadow. If she couldn't make sound with her voice, maybe she could with the objects around her. Shivering as she pulled her pale arms out from under the red fabric of her cloak, she wished for a warmer top. Her current one was thin and had no sleeves. She picked up a stone in her left hand and a stick in her right. She hit the stone, but it was barely audible over the wind and rain. She hit it again. Still nothing. She tried calling out, but her voice refused to make a sound. She struck the stone one last time and the stick snapped, half of it flying off into the storm. She dropped the stone, and pulled her cloak back over her arms. Again, it was useless. She closed her eyes, waiting to fall asleep and maybe never wake up, when she felt something warm on her shoulders.

"Shadow! Shadow!" It was Tasha shaking her. "Meilin, over here! We found her!" Shadow opened her eyes to see Dawson in front of her.

"Shadow?" He asked she tried to smile at her brother in law, but she couldn't force her face to make the shape. Tasha was behind her, still holding her sholders. Meilin came up behind Dawson.

"Dawson, go find the other groups and call it off, tell them we found her." she instructed. Dawson nodded and ran off calling.

"Katalin, King, we found her!"

"Now, Shadow, are you okay?" Meilin looked at her with the most concern Shadow had ever seen on the girls face. Tasha squeezed her shoulders. Shadow tried to speak but still made no sound. "Shadow?" She nodded "Shadow speak to me." She shook her head.

"Let's get her inside," said Tasha. Meilin nodded, and she put one of Shadow's arms around her shoulders and helped the Redcloak girl stand. Tasha took the other arm. Shadow had no idea what had come over her. She guessed exposure to the cold? The three of them walked back to the castle, entering it. Shadow saw Raisha and Jolt looking in all the cupboards and under loose floorboards.

"Shadow!" cried Raisha rushing over and hugging the Redcloak. Jolt came up behind her. relief painted right across his face. The doors burst open, and Dawson came running in followed by Katalin and King.

"The others?" asked Meilin.

"Coming," he said. "Halawir is just spreading the news." Meilin nodded. Soon enough, Rollan, Abeke, Conor, and Halawir came through the door, and behind them Worthy pushed past them all, and ran straight to Shadow, pushing her out of Meilin and Tasha's arms and pinning her against the wall.

"Hey!" Meilin angrily exclaimed. "Easy there, Worthy!" He ignored her.

"You scared the life out of me!" he said. She tried to smile, but it still didn't work. Instead she shivered and buried her face in Worthy's chest. He pulled off her soaking cloak off her and put his less soaking one around her shoulders. "It's okay," he said "I've got you now." Everyone was staring at them. Shadow had bruises on her back from the force of which Worthy had pushed her. He must have been really worried.

"Shadow?" asked Katalin. "What happened?"

"And where is Song?" added Shane. "She didn't-"

"Tellun, she was practicing with The Dragon's Eye!" said Abeke. "No wonder that storm came so fast."

"We'd best not interrupt her," said Conor. Rollan nodded.

"Besides, even Essix has had enough flying around."

"Shadow," said Tasha. "You haven't said a word. Are you okay?" Shadow opened her mouth but  made no sound.

"Worthy?" asked Dawson. "I-I dont think she can speak."

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