Worries and Preperation

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Raisha's POV:

Okay, don't panic. Raisha's heart fluttered around in her chest when it finally became Saturday morning, and it wouldn't stop for a single moment.

"So. You're going on a date," Meilin said, standing in front of Raisha as her foot tapped nervously on the floor, wearing out her nervous energy. "It's not that hard to do. Rollan and I have been on many dates before, and it's quite simple. You pick a place to go to. You guys have that covered - you're going to a local Zhongeze restaurant that serves sushi, among other things."

Raisha, to be truthful, was only half-listening, as the worried thoughts that came across so easily bounced around in her head, causing her more stress. He's such an amazing guy! How am I just supposed to show up there, in whatever in Erdas I'm going to wear, and just- be there?! I'm a nervous wreck right now, how do I know I'm not going to mess anything up or spill anything on him or even just exist in the first place? I'm usually fine at these things on my own, but with him, everything is just so much more- so much- UGH, I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE WORDS RIGHT NOW.

"Second, you simply choose what to wear. You don't want to go with anything too extravagant, but you also don't want to go in shorts and a tank top although, you do look well in those. I'll have to ask Abeke to help us pick out a dress."

It's just seeing him- it just makes my heart just explode with nervousness happiness and excitement all at the same time! He's just so nice and kind and funny and gentle, I just don't even know what to do around him! What will I do when I'm around him? Oh, I bet I'm going to say something weird, aren't I? Or make him uncomfortable, and why would he want to talk to me then? Maybe I should ask Meilin or Tasha for tips about this- or is there even a way to stop yourself from getting nervous? When I asked him to dance the first time, I was pretty much getting all of my strength from Gerathon, but I have to keep her in passive form when we're there, so how am I going to not faint on the spot right then and there?

"Seeing about makeup... Hmmm... I'm not too good with it, as I haven't used it in a while. Abeke had never used it, so I don't think she'll be much help there, as for Tasha and Katalin- I'm not sure if they know how to do makeup. One of Song's hairdressers could help, so I'll ask Song if she thinks we can ask one of them."

I forgot about makeup, I've never even used it before! I wonder if I have to wear it, will I still look good without it? How are you supposed to eat with that on? Besides, last time I was with Jolt, I didn't have any on, and he seemed fine with it. But what if he was just being nice like he always is? What if I look terrible without it? Ugh, I hate having worried thoughts like these? Why can't I just go out there, and spend a nice evening with Jolt? After all, he likes me for me, right?

"Well, Raisha, what do you think?"

What if that's not true, what if he hates me and-

"Raisha, are you listening to me? Raisha?"

"Sorry, Meilin," Raisha said, rubbing the back of her head and smiling nervously. "I guess I'm a little worried, y'know?"

Meilin smiled, to Raisha's surprise. "I get it. It's nerve-wracking the first time you go on a date, especially with someone you really like. I was completely out of it the night I went with Rollan. I was so nervous to go because I liked him so much, and it made me worry a lot more than I needed to, especially since Rollan is the way he is."

Raisha laughed half-heartedly, understanding what Meilin meant, but still not having her nervousness diminished. "Well, how do you not be nervous?"

Meilin chuckled softly, her laughter sounding like bells chiming. "I don't think you get it. You can't not be nervous. It's because you like Jolt that you can't help being afraid. You don't want to lose him because you care about him, so your mind is automatically overwhelmed wispy so many different possibilities of what could happen. The same happened to me with Rollan. Because I love him so much, I can't help but be nervous." Meilin smiled at her before it turned into a serious expression. "Don't tell Rollan I said that though.

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