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Worthy was in his room, Shadow and Song stood outside the door

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Shadow asked. "Like I can totally live with him telling me that all the time."

"We have to do it," Meilin joined them. "You can take him telling you all the time, but I can't take another moment of him telling us all the time. He doesn't care what the effects on us are. He just cares about bragging! We have to tell him, and if you two aren't, I will."

"No, but I was going to!" cried Song, who had been looking forward to this. Soon, Tasha and Dawson joined them.

"It's... kinda like it was when he was Devin," Dawson said, reserved. "At least this time, it isn't about himself..." Part of Shadow didn't want to do this for fear she would hurt him, but the other half of her knew it was the right thing to do. He would want her to do the right thing, wouldn't he? Not doing that would be... codependency, right? Soon, the others arrived.

"Well then," said Raisha. "Let's go in." Tasha pushed the door.

"Hi," said Worthy when they entered. "What's with the brigade? Was there a party that I missed?" Shadow crossed the room and put her arm around her husband.

"No," she said, "We... We need to talk to you about something." Rollan walked into the room and took a deep breath. "You know about that incident when we were talking about who was the better dancer?" Worthy nodded. "Yeah, and Meilin can't be the best! Shadow is."

Meilin snarled. "You haven't even seen me dance before. How would you know?" Worthy rolled his eyes. "Well, Shadow is the best, even if you danced right now, and-"

"That's just it!" Meilin snapped. "We came here to talk about your biased opinions about everything!" Worthy growled. "Is that what you think? Is that what you think? That Shadow isn't good?" He released his claws and stepped towards Meilin. Worthy swiped, but Song stepped in the way of Meilin and his claws, grabbing his wrist and keeping the claws away. "No, Trunswick, that's not what we think. It's that you're biased towards Shadow, that is."

She glared and looked behind her. "Meilin? Are you alright?" Meilin nodded. "Thank you, Song." Conor drew a rattling breath and let it out. He looked hesitant. "W- Worthy? We came here to talk to you about that. That... We think you're a little inconsiderate to us." He had tears in his eyes as if he felt bad for saying that to the cat-boy, who looked shocked at the moment. Shadow squeezed his hand supportively.

"What? No, I'm not!" Worthy said, protectively wrapping his arms around Shadow. "I'm just complimenting her! You guys are just too sensitive." Meilin snarled. "That's what we mean. You openly brag and never stop to think about others! Like how you attempted to scratch me!" She pointed to Song. "What if that was my face or anybody else's?"

"Well, I don't think you should-" Worthy attempted to say before his brother cut him off. "Devin... Remember when Shadow was working with a quarterstaff, and I was helping Tasha with one, too?" Dawson said, keeping his voice low. "And I said Tasha was the best? And then, you said that Shadow had to be the best, and Tasha isn't half as good compared to her, and that Shadow looked so good while Tasha looked like a beginner. I think that you-" Tasha cut in, angry tears in her eyes. "And I'll have you know, that I quit the quarterstaff practice after that, and cried for most of the day! You don't care if people have feelings! It's always Shadow is the best, and we are horrible at everything!" Tears leaked down her eyes, and she sat down against the walls, crying from the frustration. Tasha composed herself and stood up.

Worthy snapped. "You guys don't care either. You and your feelings! Shadow has feelings too, you know, and you're making her feel bad!" He held her hand. Abeke glared. "And remember when we were doing archery? I said that I had confidence in myself and that I was one of the best. Was there a compliment? Oh, no! I remember your exact words were, 'Shadow is the best, and she makes archery look effortless. You, on the other hand, make archery look like the hardest thing in the world!'" The leopard summoner had such a menacing look on her face, that it put the devil to shame. Conor stepped in. "And... and, that I spent the rest of my day trying to calm her down, as well endure your saying that Shadow put my axe work to shame!"

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