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Since getting her voice back, Shadow had been hoping for life to be normal again. It was not. If anything, it was the opposite of normal. Everyone was always constantly fussing around her. No one was leaving her alone.

"Shadow, are you okay?" asked Meilin when Shadow dropped some food.

"Oh, no, Shadow, you don't have to do that." Raisha had said, opening the door for her.

"I can carry it," Tasha had told her, taking the crystal glasses out of Shadow's hands and promptly dropping one of them. It had shattered all over the floor, and Shane and Conor didn't let Shadow move until it was all cleaned up.

The truth was, she was sick of being treated like a tiny child right now. She sat at the dinner table.

"Okay, who do you think is the most beautiful person in the world?" Rollan asked. They were playing some game where Rollan would try to get crush information out of all of them and give none away himself.

"Anyone except Worthy," joked Shadow. Worthy playfully punched her arm. It didn't hurt, but the looks on the other's faces sent shivers down Shadow's spine.

"Worthy," Katilan said with no emotion in her voice whatsoever

"What? It was a joke. Calm down," he said. Shadow rolled her eyes at the pure terror on their faces.

"Worthy, don't you remember?" said Song from the roof.

"Remember what?"

"Shadow," said Tasha. "Come with me," Raisha and Meilin both stood up too. Shadow glanced around at the boys, Katalin, Abeke, and Song, before following the others out of the room.

"First off, are you alright?" said Meilin.

"Yes, I'm fine! That didn't even hurt," she replied, confused.

"Second off, I know this is going to be hard to hear, but you shouldn't be with Worthy, not if he is going to do that to you," said Raisha softly.

"Okay, first off, no. Secondly, what are you not telling me!?" She demanded. The other three glanced around at each other.

"Nothing," said Meilin. Shadow looked to Tasha. She knew if one person was going to give out info, it was her.

"Tasha?" She studied the girl's face. Nothing.

"We are all just worried about you," said Raisha.

"So you don't let my own husband touch me?"

"He was being violent," said Tasha.

"Rollan punches Meilin all the time!"

"Twice now, we almost lost you," said Meilin. "I know we are all overprotective, but we are doing it because we love you." Shadow nodded. She understood, but it didn't make it any less painful.

They just want to protect her.

They really cared about her.

"Thanks guys, really, but I- well- You guys are being way too overbearing," she confessed.

"I have an idea," said Meilin.


"You and Worthy should go out together for a day. We will spend the day not worrying about you, then we will realize you are fine, and things can go back to normal."

"But I and him are married, we can't go on a date."

"Make it an anniversary trip, then," said Tasha. "After all, your anniversary from your first wedding is coming up."

The Spirits Animals Cult Story RemasteredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang