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Worthy stood in his room, staring out his window at the people coming and going. Today was his last day of being an unmarried man. Tomorrow, he would marry the most beautiful girl in the world. There was a knock at the door, and he turned to see Dawson.

"Hey, bro," Worthy said.

"Hey, Worthy. I came to check on you."

"Why? What's up?"

"Well, you are getting married tomorrow, I figured you might be nervous."

"There is no need to be."

"You're not scared about, uh, I don't know, screwing it up?"

"Dawson, listen, do you know the feeling of true love?"
"Uh... no."

"Suddenly, the world plays magic. Everywhere I turn, there's magic. The troubles on my mind vanished. Cause the girl, the girl is magic."

"Shadow isn't magic."

"Yes, she is!"

"She's not a magician."

"Dawson, she is to me."

"Mmhm. Okay, then, tell me what it's like when you are around Shadow?"

"The beating of my heart, it's magic. The seagulls on the roof scream magic. And if you do not believe me, I'll manage. Cause she's the air that I breathe. Sounds like magic to me."

"Uh, Worthy... That's mildly concerning on many levels."


"Well, seagulls can't talk, and you can't breathe people."



"Girl is magic. Nothing but magic. I got invited to her world of magic. Love so foolish, used to be tragic. But not anymore, cause the girl is magic. The girl is simply magic."

"Worthy, you're singing now!?"

"Yup!" Worthy danced around the room with a massive smile. "Every crazy thing she said: magic. Now she's riding wild through my head: magic. I bet she even waters plants with magic."

Dawson faceplamed. "She'll be magic to the end of days. Ripped out of a fairytale. COME DANCE!" He grabbed his little brother's arm and pulled him across the room. The dancing was less than good but more than enjoyable.

"Lying on the floor, sweet magic. Nothing less, nothing more, it's just magic. She got me 20 horse powers of savage. Cause the girl, the girl, the girl is magic." Then the door opened, and Shadow walked in. Worthy froze, and she burst out laughing.

"Having fun?" She asked, running over and putting her arms around Worthy. He smiled and pulled her close. Dawson flopped down on the bed, clearly glad to have been freed from the dancing.

"Still magic?" He asked.

"Yup." Worthy nodded.

"Worthy, was that you singing?"

"Oh... um, yeah."

"It was amazing!"


"Yeah, and that dancing looked fun, may I join?"

"Come on, Dawson."


"C'mon now."

"Okay, fine," Dawson let a grin split his face as he came to dance with his brother and his future sister-in-law.

"My dancing on the street, pure magic," began Worthy as they ran around the room like idiots.

"Even the bruises on my feet, mmm magic. Hey, but if you don't believe me, I'll manage. Cause she's the air that I breathe. It sounds magic to me."

"Wooohoo!" Wooped Shadow as Worthy spun her around and around.

"Girl is magic. Nothing but magic. I got invited to her world of magic. Love so foolish, used to be tragic. But not anymore, cause the girl is magic. The girl is magic, nothing but magic. The girl is magic, nothing but magic."

Dawson joined in singing. Shadow didn't know the words, but she let Worthy spin her as many times as he wanted.

"The beating of my heart, it's magic. The seagulls on the roof scream magic." Shadow giggled at that line.

"And if you do not believe me, I'll manage. Cause she's the air that I breathe. And that's magic to me."

Then Shadow stole the next chorus.

"Girl is magic. Nothing but magic. I got invited to her world of magic. Love so foolish, used to be tragic. But not anymore, 'cause the girl is magic."

Worthy was blown away by her voice. It was magic.

"How did you learn the words?" asked Worthy with a grin as he returned from the otherworldy sound of her sweet voice.

"I'm a quick learner," she smiled. "You gonna finish the song or what?"

"Girl is magic. Nothing but magic. I got invited to her world of magic. Love so foolish, used to be tragic. But not anymore, cause the girl is magic. The girl is simply magic." He lifted Shadow into the air as he finished his song. She grinned as she returned to the ground, hugging him once more before turning and walking out the door. 

"She never said goodbye." He said sadly.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You're getting married tomorrow. She's probably just trying to impress you."

"But she doesn't have to try. She does it every day." Dawson laughed.

"I hope one day I'll find someone I love as much as you love Shadow."

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