Back to the Desert

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The sun burned up ahead. The whole group (minus King) wanted to drop. Even Rollan was too tired to complain. Sure there were many jokes, hitting, punching, kicking, Rollan singing very annoying songs, and Meilin yelling, "ROLLAN, WOULD THE SOUND OF SILENCE BE TO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!"

Of course, in the end, she got what she wanted. Everyone went silent after a few hours. It was easier to keep walking and not speaking.

The group moved on in silence, trekking through the desert wearing expressions appropriate to the deathbed of a close friend. It was a barren wasteland for days. It seemed that this was futile and that they could just go to Amaya and settle down for a little before heading over to somewhere else, but their driving force was too powerful to back down.


Of course, Rollan suggested that they go back, but Abeke beat him down. "Tasha helped us so much when we were in that wretched place... To not include her in this expedition for such selfish reasons is an insult after all she did for us! Do I make myself clear?!" Rollan faltered under her glare. "Okay, okay, but..." Meilin slapped him across the face again. "Just tough it out 'till night genius. Then it'll be cooler." It was amazing how two girls could beat down Rollan like that. What was more amazing was how Meilin was right. The night air felt wonderful against their sweaty faces. Kalani was telling them stories about her kingdom, and all the things she got up to there. "... And so, for revenge, I got all the instruments out of tune! You wouldn't believe how terrible they sounded during the ceremony!" Shadow laughed. "Wow! But, you know, things like that will get you in trouble in life." Rollan snickered. "Only if you get caught." Suddenly, Katalin pointed up ahead. "Look! A village." Abeke's eyes lit up. "Over there on the fountain! Doesn't that look like..."

"Tasha!" The group cried. The Stetriolian girl looked up. Her blue eyes shone with happiness. "Guys, what are you doing here?!" She got up and ran to them, promptly sprawling into the dirt at their feet. Abeke helped her up saying. "Well... we wanted to ask you something, but..." Worthy intervened. "We should introduce you to everybody." They went through everyone's names as the girl nodded at each of them in turn, her white-blond hair getting into her mouth all the while. As Tasha spit out more hair, Worthy pointed to Dawson. "And this is my brother. Dawson? Earth to Dawson! Uh... Dawson?" Dawson didn't reply. His eyes on Tasha, seemed like his face was burning up. Rollan raised an eyebrow and pointed at him. "Uh, so, that's Dawson... Who has apparently stopped responding."

"So, what was it you guys wanted to ask me?" They were all seated inside Tasha's house. Her quarterstaff was propped up against the wall. Kalani was the first to speak. "Dasha aside, ("WHAT?!"- Dasha, 2022) we wanted to know if you wanted to come back to Greenhaven with us. " Tasha's eyes lit up. "That'd be amazing! I have to ask my parents first. Let's find them."

It was Olvan all over again. "But Mama, I-" Tasha started to protest, but her mother cut in. "No Tasha, you can't go with them! It's too dangerous." Tasha seethed as Abeke cut in. "Ma'am, your daughter has been with the Greencloaks before. She will be fine."

"Yes, but-"

"We have protected her during the war with the Wyrm. Are you saying that you think that we can't provide her enough protection even after all we've been through?"

"Well, it's simply too dangerous to go again! She needs to stay in Stetriol."

Kalani continued. "And Stetriol has also proved as dangerous as any land. Do you think that this village is enough to protect your daughter? If security is what you seek, there would be no safer place to go than Greenhaven."

"Well, I- I think that-"

Meilin finished this speech with great finality. "Do you really presume that this village can fully guarantee your daughter, summoner of Ninani's safety on its own?"

"Boy," Rollan whispered to the three, "You guys sure can talk the talk."

In the end, her mother had to agree. Tasha bounded alongside the group as they made their way across the desert. "Wow- oof- guys! You were amazing- ow- back there!" Kalani smirked. "It's nothing. Dawson would have been pretty upset if you couldn't come along!"

"KALANI, GET BACK HERE!" Dawson and Tasha chased her all the way back to the raft.

EDITOR NOTE: Unfortunately, this series was not continued. There will be a gap ahead in the story. Out of respect for the writer, I will not fill in the gap myself. This will apply to every unfinished series.

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