Part 18 - why won't she let me explain

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Leah's POV:

She wasn't answering any of my messages and i was starting to believe that something may be seriously wrong. What the fuck have i done? No matter how hard i rack my brain i can't think of a single thing i have done wrong between when we woke up this morning and now. After what felt like days of waiting for her to return home i heard the keys jingling in the door, fucking finally. Despite being slightly annoyed at her actions just now, i could feel the excitement of seeing her cute little face building in my stomach, and i couldn't help but smile a little. 

Ame's POV: 

As i gently inserted the key into the lock of my front door, i took a deep breath, internally screaming at myself not to crumble when i see her. I took a deep breath, but couldn't bring myself to actually open the door. So i just stood there, breathing, staring at my own front door, praying that she would have already left to go back home to her girlfriend. 

It was as if she heard me praying she wasn't there, as she flung the door open, almost ripping my arm off, that was still gripping onto the key in the lock. Tears gripped at my eyes immediately before i shook my head slightly forcing them back. Stay strong i reminded myself. 

She just stared at me, her eyes piercing into my soul. I felt like i was being dared to make eye contact but i couldn't bring myself to look at the beautiful cheater in front of me. She huffed at the lack of eye contact before retreating back to the sofa. She continued to watch me silently, as i took off my shoes and shut the door. I stared at the door a moment, contemplating just leaving again, before i remembered it's my fucking apartment. 

The rage built up again and i shot round to face her, this time making eye contact. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the stern look on my face. 

"I am going to say this once, and only once okay?" confusion taking over her entire face now. 

"Get. The. Fuck. Out." i spat 

"Ame what the hell is going on?" she said raising her voice now too, angry at the tone i used. 

"More to the point what the hell are you still doing here?"

"what are you even talking about, I'm here for another few days, i thought we agreed that i was going to-" she started, her tone becoming confused again, rather than angry. Well that was before i interrupted her, 

"Are you deaf? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME" i screamed 

"WHERE DO YOU GET OFF SPEAKING TO ME LIKE THAT" clearly joining in with the screaming match now. I was seething, she's acting like the innocent pretty girl the media portray her as, when in reality she's, far from it.

I was taken aback, raising my hand to my chest, and my face full of shock at her reciprocating my tone, i let out a chuckle in disbelief,

"Me?" i questioned, "where do i GET OFF, you're joking right". I was proud that despite being angry and almost finding it comical, i had remained strong up until this point. 

She let out a loud sigh, leaning back on the sofa, staring at her hands, clearly dep in thought. As much as i wanted her to leave, my heart dropped slightly, seeing her clearly hurt by the situation. I finally took a seat, opposite her, keeping a safe distance from the blonde. 

She looked up at me, tears pricking her eyes. If i thought my heart hurt before, then fuck knows how to explain what i feel now. Seeing her cry made me feel like someone had ripped my heart out and stamped on it. 

"I don't-" she started before her voice betrayed her. Taking a deep breath and clearing her throat,  "Can you just tell me what i've done". I wasn't falling for it,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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