Part 5 - the apology

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Keira's POV:

I didn't want to leave Leah after she'd just had one of her panic attacks but i knew that they would just keep happening if i didn't go and find Ame and prove to Leah that she was fine. I have dealt with enough of her panic attacks to understand what she needs, so i reluctantly left to go do as she asked. 

I was walking around aimlessly hoping i would be able to find Ame. After about 15 minutes i still hadn't found her and i was running out of ideas. I'm not going to lie i know i reassured Leah that Ame would be fine but i was starting to get a little worried when it occurred to me, she's absolutely obsessed with sunsets. So instead of looking around inside i went to go and check the pitches to see if maybe she was watching it or even kicking a ball around. 

When i got to the pitch there she was. Sat on a ball watching the sun go down. I grabbed a ball and sat next to her. 

She turned to look at me and gave me a soft smile but i could tell she had been crying. 

"talk to me Ame"

She turned to face the sun again not wanting to make the eye contact i was trying to achieve. 

"i just-" she let out a big sigh

"i just don't understand why she hates me so much. What did i ever do to her?" a tear fell from her face. 

I wiped it away cupping her cheek and turning her to look at me. 

"you didn't do anything Ame, she doesn't hate you"

"then why is she so mean to me Keira. Explain that because i'm so confused"

"Leah is a difficult person to understand. It took years before she had the courage to speak more than two words to me. She is better than she was but she just struggles to make friends. You're not like that, you are outgoing and funny. You make friends easily just talking about whatever random shit pops into your head. You intimidate her."

"i don't mean to though Keira. If she would just let me talk without throwing everything i say back in my face then maybe she would realise that, but how am i supposed to fix it if she can't even do that"

"Look Ame i shouldn't be telling you this and she would actually kill me, genuinely, but she feels really bad. After you left she rang me panicking and i had to go calm her down. As soon as i did she made me leave to come and find you and check you are okay. She didn't mean to upset you she just doesn't know how to communicate with people very well so she comes off as rude. Really rude, but she is actually one of the nicest people i know and she becomes really funny and outgoing once you get to know her."

"that's great kei but how do i get to that point if she won't let me speak to her"

"Small acts of kindness"

She looked at me so confused. Jesus i'm gonna have to spell it out for her. 

"Things like grabbing her a glass of water when you get one for yourself or making her bed when she's forgotten to do it, or fold her clothes up that she has left lying around when she's in a rush. That girl is messy as fuck."

"Keira do i look like a housewife to you?" i laughed at her 

"yes you do actually, maybe you should quit football and follow that career path"

she smacked me. 

"OW was that really necessary"

"yes it was actually"

"look i'm not saying to treat her like a baby and do everything for her just show her that you care. That's what i did through youth camps being her roommate and after some time she started to show me that she was actually a really cool person once you got to know her"

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