Part 14 - reunion

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Ame's POV

I have been running round the flat like a mad woman trying to clean the apartment before Leah arrives. This will be the first time i have seen her since i realised i had feelings for her and i'm not going to lie i'm really nervous. I want to tell her but every time i think about it i talk myself out of it. I can't lose her in the process and i'm beginning to think it's not worth taking the risk.

Eventually i'll get over her - at least i hope i will - and everything will go back to normal, if that existed in the first place. I should have another hour until Leah gets here the traffic is always terrible coming into Manchester which is lucky because i am nowhere near ready for her. Less used to live with me and she kept everything in order all the time, probably because every depression book in the world will tell you that a clean living environment helps, but i'll be the first to tell you that is complete bullshit. 

It has sometimes been hard since Less moved out to go and live with her boyfriend but i manage, as long as no one comes over because the mess is beyond embarrassing. However, without thinking things through i told Leah to come and see me, here, in my house, just hours after we texted, i admit it was a terrible idea to invite her over the same day. 

Cleaning is usually something i avoid because i find it frustrating and get myself worked up about how much there is to do and stay on top of, but something about the fact that i was essentially doing this for Leah made me almost enjoy it. I had my music blasting through my speaker and a cloth in hand, and let me tell you the place was starting to look immaculate, as long as you don't step foot in my bedroom of course. 

Just as i was about to make my start on the bedroom my phone rang. I looked at the name and panicked

"Leah is everything okay? If you have changed your mind-"

"it's a bit bloody late for me to change my mind i'm outside" she giggled through the phone. 

Usually that laugh would've melted me but instead i was met with a whole new wave of panic. I'm not done cleaning, i haven't showered, i haven't bought food for us, the guest bedroom isn't ready either, and i'm standing in a sports bra and shorts with yellow fucking rubber gloves on, a messy bun and not the cute kind, and i'm all sweaty. This is certainly not the reunion i was hoping for.

"Ame you still there?" 

"yes, yeah, um let me just, uh, gimme a minute and i will let you in"

fuck fuck fuck what do i do? Think Ame THINK.

It was like i'd been pulled out of my body, just watching myself fall apart and then do the stupidest thing i possibly could've done and walked straight over to the door opening it, still in all the things i just mentioned.

The second i saw her face taken over by shock i was snapped back into reality

"hi" she giggled, staring at me. 

"um i, i was just" i cleared my throat 

"come in" i told her 

"thank you" she was fighting the smile from her face, i knew she wanted to laugh.

"It's not funny leah" i glared at her 

"no not funny, definitely not funny" the smile forced its way onto her face

"don't even think about it Williamson"

She held her hand up to her face and shook her head

"it's not funny" she mumbled through her hand 

"it's really not funny" she said again this time her voice breaking, she was losing it.

If looks could kill Leah motherfucking Williamson would be dead i swear.

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