Part 17 - Sinking

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Leah's POV:

For a second after waking up i forgot about last night, until i opened my eyes and was met with her perfect face, looking so peaceful while she slept. I couldn't help but trail my finger across her face, tucking some loose hair behind her ear. How did i get so lucky? I continued my gentle touches until a smile appeared on her face. 

"are you watching me sleep?" she mumbled with the cutest smile on her face, still half asleep. 

"mmm why don't you open your eyes and find out?" i told her.

"why don't you kiss me?" she smirked. Fucking hell, she's so hot. 

"yes ma'am" i leaned over placing a quick kiss on her lips aware neither of us had brushed our teeth. She frowned at me,

"is that all i get?" she sulked, now opening her eyes. She leaned in again, this time placing a much longer kiss on my lips. 

I pulled away "don't you want me to brush my teeth before we ya know" i giggled. She leaned back in,

"i'd rather stay here and keep kissing you" she mumbled against my lips. This time i didn't hold back, moving my hand to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. I grabbed her leg and gently pulled her on top of me, without breaking the kiss. 

She started to kiss along my jaw and down my neck. I moved my head to the side slightly to give her better access. She quickly found my favourite spot, bringing a moan out of me. 

"ame" i whispered. She slowly worked her way back over to my lips, before placing a passionate kiss on them. My whole body felt on fire.  

"mmmmm" she mumbled 

"nevermind". She slid her hands gently down my sides, sending shivers down my spine. She began to kiss along my neck again, moving her hands all over my chest, grabbing one of my boobs and squeezing it. 

I almost screamed at that. If this goes much further i won't be able to stop. 

"Ame" i mumbled again.

"mhmmm" she replied, still continuing with her actions, her hand wandering dangerously close to my waistband.

"i won't be able to stop if you keep going". 

"who says we need to stop?" she smirked now moving her face over mine to look at me, her eyes darkening. I gave her a soft smile, we both knew it was too early for us to go any further. She slowly rolled off me. 

I got up to go take a shower to calm myself down and got dressed. When i came back out she was no longer in bed. I searched all over the apartment and couldn't find her. I waited for a bit thinking she had just nipped to the shops, but when she didn't come back i decided to message her. 

When i picked up my phone i saw a message from Jordan 

Jordan - i miss you x

Jordan - call me please i need to talk to you about something. I love you x

We broke up months ago but every once in a while she tries to start something again. I gave in many times but it just never worked. We are still on good terms and normally i wouldn't mind, but now i am trying to start something with Ame it's just annoying. I huffed going on to my messages with Ame.

Leah - hey beautiful where have you gone? xx


Leah - you okay? xx


What the fuck? I gave it another 20 minutes but then started to get annoyed. If she's had to run out she could at least let me know where she's going and how long she's going to be. 

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