Part 6 - confusion

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I woke up the next morning feeling great. It was the best sleep i've had in a while. What has changed? Why did i actually fall asleep easily for once? That's when i remembered. Leah stayed in my bed last night. Honestly so confused as to what happened there. 24 hours earlier the girl couldn't stand me and suddenly she's holding me all night. She's not holding me now though. I turn over expecting to see her, my alarm hasn't even gone off so it must be early. She was no longer in my bed, she wasn't in hers either. 

I decided to get up and get breakfast early so i could warm up for longer before training. I desperately want to impress Hege, she scares the shit out of me to be honest. When i got to the dining hall there were only a couple of staff already eating and Lucy Bronze who i have barely ever spoken to. I am pretty new to the squad so i haven't become friends with everyone yet. I grab a coffee and some cereal. I wasn't sure whether to sit with her or not when she waved me over. I think she could see the relief on my face when i didn't have to make the decision for myself. 

"ahhh so you are an early bird too?" she said to me smiling.

"not really but i woke up and couldn't be bothered to go back to sleep"

"just wanted to escape Leah huh"

What did she just say. Escape Leah? Why does she think that? Has someone told her about our little feud? I was starting to panic. 

She carried on eating her breakfast and didn't say much for the next few minutes. Maybe i should've gone back to sleep because i cannot stop yawning. Lucy looks up at me after my fourth consecutive yawn.

"damn how tired are you. Did Leah keep you up late or something?" she smirked at me 

Oh for fuck sake. What else does she think is going on. I'm not sure i want anyone to know that Leah slept in my bed last night. I mean it isn't like anything happened, that would be disgusting i can't imagine myself ever being into her like that. Okay harsh Ame. I couldn't stop thinking about it now. Me and Leah, Leah and me, i almost gagged at the thought. Okay now you're exaggerating Ame. 

"hey well as you're up do you want to join me in the gym? I always like to get a little session in before training."

"uhh yeah sure why not"

We spent the next 30 minutes in the gym just doing light exercises and warming up, seeing as we have an intense day of training ahead of us and a gym session later. 

Everyone started to arrive to get some stretches in and warm up, when i see Leah walk in. We briefly make eye contact and i smile but she blanks me and quickly looks away from me going to the other side of the room. Okay am i being paranoid or is she avoiding me?

Training was good to be fair. Hege worked us to the bone but i did everything well, scoring every shot during the shooting drills we did. One thing i'm already starting to notice about Hege is there's no positive reinforcement with her. If you are doing well she won't praise you and if you are doing bad she'll scold you. A couple of players experienced the scolding and looked pretty down once training was finished. This is not how some of the best players in the world should be treated, in fact no one should be treated like this.

After training finished and we had some free time i decided to go back to my room to have a shower. I felt disgusting. When i walked in there was no sign of Leah which is annoying because i would quite like to talk to her to thank her for last night, but she's not been in the same vicinity as me all day. She's definitely avoiding me.

Once i got out of the shower and put some fresh clothes on i decided to check my phone. I was about to chill on instagram when i get a text from Tooney. 

*hey Ame, me, Less and a few other girls are about to play a little friendly table tennis tournament in the relaxation room if you want to join.

There was going to be nothing friendly about this. We are all competitive but Tooney is obsessed with table tennis and is a very sore loser if i remember correctly from when i beat her once. Regardless, it should be fun and maybe Leah will be there so i can finally talk to her. 

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