Part 11 - She drives me crazy

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*A/n i dont think ive given Ame's therapist a name yet so i am going to in this part im sorry if i have and am having a moment so please let me know lol because ill fix it. 

It had been a few weeks and i felt better than i had in a long time. Camp ended up being a lot more enjoyable than i originally thought it was going to be considering Hege was the manager and i started to notice i was putting on an act a lot less. 

I am not really sure what has changed but whatever it is i hope it stays like this. It was so nice to be alongside my favourite girls again, doing the sport that i loved. 

Today i had my regular appointment with my therapist, Riley. I know that this may be weird but i'm starting to think of her as more of a friend at this point. I almost want to say i enjoy going to therapy because it means i can have a nice little catchup with her. Despite me being an asshole at the start she's actually really funny and nice, but then again it is quite literally her job to be good at talking to people. 

"Hey Ame" she smiled up at me as i entered the room. Formalities were out the window at this point as i let myself in and slumped down onto the sofa opposite her, taking no time at all to make myself right at home. 

"Riley" i nodded back at the woman. 

"How are we feeling today then?"

"Yeah i'm good" i softly smiled. It may have been becoming less frequent but don't be fooled this was very much an act. 

She gave me a disapproving look and tilted her head letting out a sigh before speaking "Come on then what's up?" 

I laughed knowing my act might work with normal people but Riley was trained to pick up on this exact kind of thing. 

"I think i need to talk about someone i haven't mentioned in our sessions before" i mumbled out pinging the elastic band against my wrist, something that had become a regular part of our more serious sessions. So common that she had now put an entire bowl full of every type of elastic band you could think of, which is a lot more than i would have originally guessed prior to these sessions. 

"oh i've been waiting for this one" she giggled excitedly shifting in her seat, prepping herself for the gossip. I know i said i was thinking of her as a friend now but i mean can you blame me? This woman is acting like we are going to gossip about our co-workers or something.

I couldn't help but also laugh, but i can't lie i am slightly confused by what she's said. 

"What do you mean you've been 'waiting' for this one?" i furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Clearly there is someone new in your life because the Ame that showed up here prior to the England camp is not the same one sitting in this session". She smirked at me as if to suggest i'd been getting up to all kinds of activities behind closed doors with someone, which could not be further from the truth. 

"Well i didn't 'meet' anyone but i did become friends with someone if that's what you mean". 

"Just friends?" she smirked. God this woman is annoying.

"Yes FRIENDS. You do know what they are correct?" i teased her.

Her smirk very quickly turned into a frown "yes Ame i am aware of what friends are".

I know she is only joking because the frown is already becoming a smile again but i still felt bad.

"Sorry Riley, that was a tad harsh"

"meany" she mumbled out before letting her smile take hold of her entire face, "so tell me about her" she hit her legs in excitement. 

"What do you want to know? There is so much to tell. I mean i could start there mmmm no  because then you'd get the wrong impression, i could here no, oh i cou- no, or i cou-"

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