Part 4 - The roommate situation

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As i made my way into up to my room for the next week and a half i was shitting it i'm not gonna lie. What if this girl just decides to kill me in the middle of the night, when i'm fast asleep. I know i'm being dramatic but like, if she wanted to she could. 

I finally made it to the door of the room, and i just stood there. If she's on the other side doing whatever the fuck she does with her time, i don't know what i'm going to do, so like any sane person i just stared at this random ass door trying to grow a pair and head inside. 

I was brought back into reality when i heard someone laughing down the corridor. I whipped my head round to see what was happening, and it was Kei. She was laughing at me. 

"i'm sorry but- hahhahaha, Ame what the fuck are you doing?" she was basically on the floor crying from laughter at this point. 

"how about you calm down before you wet yourself" i started laughing too

"seriously Ame please tell me you aren't scared to go into a room with Leah, you're such a pussy" she was losing it again. 

"pussy huh? Actually as we are on the topic how's lucy" i cocked my head at her.

She smacked me. 


i just looked at her, innocence plastered on my face.


she smacked me again

"you cant just- you cant- ugh you're so infuriating. Anyways, open that fucking door and walk in"

"its easy for you to say Kei, she doesn't wanna kill you"

"Ame you are so dramatic she doesn't want to kill you"

"Are you sure about that because her face is telling me a different story" 

Kei took my keycard and opened the door, to an untouched, empty room. I visibly relaxed knowing she wasn't inside and walked in to unpack. 

"right I'm gonna leave you to it, watch your mouth talking about my girlfriend"

"did i touch a nerve" 

She glared at me as if she was contemplating her next move before she grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed tickling me. 


"that's what i thought. Twat" She left shutting the door behind her. Not even a few seconds later i heard the door open again. 

"Kei if you come and tickle me again i swear to god-" i turned around to see someone entirely different walking in. Leah. 

I just stared at her unsure as to whether i should even engage in a conversation with her. 

"sorry i thought you were kei" i finally blurted out to get rid of the awkward silence. I fucking hate awkward silence, but i was gonna have to get used to it sharing a room with this motherfucker. The annoying thing is that i don't even hate her back i actually envy her. She's a regular for arsenal, a born and raised gooner, she's not particularly ugly, who am i kidding she's so hot, she's becoming a more regular player for England and seems to be friends with EVERYBODY.  

"maybe get your eyes checked then" she mumbled as she dropped her bag on the bed. 

"god what is your fucking problem Leah" i was getting worked up

"i don't have one, but based on your face you do" she chuckled to herself as she began to unpack. 

"No. You don't get to gaslight me right now. I don't know what i did to make you hate me so much but if you could just tell me so i'm not a confused idiot that would be great"

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