Chapter 20.3 - Clearing Ways

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"Heyyy, whippersnapper! Fearless Leader!" Kiana waved at them. Her voice sounded tired, yet she smiled and her lavender eyes were full of relief. "How did the epic space battle go? You don't seem too rattled for having gone toe-to-claw with a horde of Revenant dragons."

"For starters, it was not epic at all," Airo said matter-of-factly. "The Revenant were all soulless brutality and pummeled the H'raal until they were destroyed down to the last specter. Thankfully, the planetary orbit is now completely clear of Revenant."

"Yes, but unfortunately many people died!" Veralla added with intensity. "Te'ylna Ynrolshuoay told us three million of her clan had died, and that is very, very sad!"

"Deus," Kiana said, closing her eyes. "And I thought an armada of dreadnoughts would've kicked the asses of those lightshows." She sighed. "And what of the stellar civilizations? Did you have to fight them too, to get them to listen?"

"We avoided direct conflict," Airo replied. "They have issued a formal cease-fire between themselves, and from now on will openly support us. With their aid and the H'raal starfleet, this war will be finally turned around and concluded soon."

"Thank the Great Cosmos. Finally some good news," Kiana breathed deeply. She then smiled again. "I have some of my own too, by the way."

"Oh!" Veralla said, her headcrests rising in anticipation. "Pray tell us! Is it something about Nightsong?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact. She... has finally fallen asleep."

Veralla flinched from the sudden shock, but then realized Kiana was not using metaphors. "Oh! You mean she is sleeping normally?"

Kiana chuckled, albeit a bit forcefully. "Yes, she is. It happened just as you departed for deep space, and hasn't wakened since. Which is... what? Twenty hours? I freaked out at first and almost went mental with worry. Thankfully, Tehalix reminded me this was barely more than half a day, but I'd become so used to Nightsong mostly napping fitfully for a few minutes at a time I thought it was a halt-state or something."

"Can we see her?" Veralla asked.

"Yeah, sure. Come inside."

Kiana led them into the room, which was much more spacious than before. Tehalix and Lung were there, and for some reason Alomar was also present. The blue-and-white dragon was lying in the far corner, watching the healing pool where Nightsong was. Airo and Alomar traded silent stares, and then nodded almost imperceptibly to each other. Tehalix waved heartily, sitting on her knees next to the healing pool. Lung turned her horned head and opened her jaws to greet them, yet a muted fist-smack from her soulkin stifled her words.

Nightsong floated in the center of the pool, a buoyant pillow put under her small head to keep it above the healing waters. She looked peaceful and relaxed, her wings and tail splayed wide, like a draconic lily in a tiny pond. Veralla was so touched by the image she hrrr–ed.

"Oh! She is so beautiful!" she exclaimed, and then grabbed her snout in shock. Her words had echoed loudly in the quiet room.

Nightsong hrrr–ed softly and stirred. "Oh, whippersnapper," Kiana groaned in despair and went to her. She patted the tiny hatchling on the head. "Shhh, sleep now, my dear, sleep..."

"But I don't want to sleep," Nightsong said. "I'm hungry."

Kiana froze, astonishment and shock written on her face. Veralla also felt the change in Nightsong's voice, and her breath halted. Nightsong hrrr–ed again and stood on her legs. She yawned widely, and then shook her head and wings, opening her eyes.

They were red.

Her scales had lost their ghostly pall. They were still pure white, yet now they reflected the light like pristine mountain snow. She was not shivering anymore. Nightsong curiously looked her body over, then turned to Kiana. "I'm not cold anymore!" she announced happily.

Everyone in the room stilled. Then, an enormous wave of relief and happiness washed over Veralla, nearly overwhelming her senses, as the others rejoiced about Nightsong's recovery.

"You are well! You are finally well!" Lung rawr–ed with delight.

"Way to go, little one!" Tehalix cheered.

Alomar rumbled in what was both surprise and elation.

Kiana was in tears.

"Nightsong! Oh, Nightsong!" she cried, throwing her arms around the dragonet. "Great Cosmos, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Veralla could not control her emotions anymore. She lunged at Airo, who was standing calmly with a warm smile on his face, and hugged him with all the joy and love that were swelling inside her at this beautiful moment.

And he hugged her in turn.

The Celestial WayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang