Chapter 10

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With no room on the love seat, Necco had been laying on the floor next to us as we all slept. There was nothing but a few embers in the fireplace when I was roused by Necco growling low in her throat. When I came to, I saw a quick flash of lights crossing through the cracks of the curtains over the front windows before they went out. I rolled off the love seat, gently shaking Irisha as I did.

"Wake up," I whispered harshly. "We have company!" I put my hand on Necco's head to quiet her, then patted her in thanks.

Irisha's eyes widened in fear. "My brother?"

"I'm not sure. I'll go see what's out there." I crawled over to the front window and peeked through the crack between the curtains. There was an SUV parked in front of my house, and as I looked out the driver's side door opened, causing the interior light to come on and illuminate a pair of husky looking men. This wasn't the kind of visit I wanted in the middle of the night, and I couldn't help but notice that the SUV's door didn't have the sheriff's logo on it. I had a feeling that Irisha was right. This was either her brother and a friend, or a pair of people working for him.

And just to prove my point, as the passenger got out of the car he hefted some sort of rifle that I couldn't see well in the darkness. Shit.

I got up, running back to Irisha. "There are a pair of men out there, at least one is armed, but I'm betting they both are. I don't know if it is your brother, but I'm going to be prepared to defend us, okay?" She nodded fearfully, and I pulled her into a hug. "I'll take care of you, I promise. Nobody is going to get you."

"I know, but don't get hurt, okay?" She started to sniffle, and I squeezed her a little harder, trying to keep her calm.

"Come on, you'll be my helper. Get up." I gripped her hand and helped her up, then pulled her over to the bed. I was sure the men were looking around the property right now, but they were doing a good job in being quiet so far. That didn't mean I'd wait on them though. I pulled both double barreled shotguns out from under the bed and made sure that each of them were loaded with 12 gauge buckshot, and then handed the longer one to Irisha while keeping the sawed off shotgun for myself. "If I fire this one, just pass me that one, okay?"

She nodded quickly, not even debating wanting to shoot too. "Yeah, I can do that."

I padded quietly over to the door at the carport, my bare feet were chilled on the stone floor but made no noise. I listened at the door but didn't hear anything but the low whispering of a night breeze. Reversing my direction, I made my way to the back door and did the same thing. Irisha was standing in the middle of the room, her eyes trained on me. I listened again at the back door, then nodded as I heard hushed whispering. The men weren't winning any points by going to the back door and then whispering. That didn't seem like a friendly thing to do.

I wasn't sure what they were planning next. All of the doors were bolted and barred, so getting in was going to be tough. They were also made of very thick oak wood, so shooting through them was going to be slow too. Were they going to try to break in, or talk their way in? Was this just a scouting mission? I was still trying to figure that out when there was a dull rapping of metal against the back door. I waved Irisha over to me and then gripped her hand.

"Don't speak, okay?" She nodded jerkily, and then I called out to the door. "What do you want?"

"We're looking for a girl!" came the gruff reply.

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm not interested. I might cut your dick off instead!" I really just wanted them to think of me as some backwoods crazy woman who didn't want to be disturbed, but I couldn't count on it.

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