Chapter 4

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               True to her words, Irisha didn't peek. Or, if she did, she didn't say anything about what she saw. I watched the back of her head as I washed, and she seemed engrossed in the book that she was reading by the light of the oil lamp. I didn't mind that, since it made me think that she was probably into girls, and that maybe we could bond more over the winter. Was it something where we might hit it off because we had a lack of other options to flirt with? Obviously, but you could never know what might happen. Honestly, I didn't think there would be a point in pursuing anything since I would probably be trying to get her back to the states once the snow was gone.

But I could admire the view in the meantime.

My bath didn't take long. I didn't need to take my time, as it was just a businesslike wash, and quick shampoo and then I started draining the tub and stood up to get out while I toweled off. I threw on a new pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, then padded over to the other loveseat, and lay down with my toes towards the fire.

"How is the book?" I asked Irisha, who seemed engrossed, with her lower lip between her teeth.

"Pretty hot!" she admitted, looking over at me. "Is this what you do all winter, read smut?" She was blushing a little as she asked, and I had a feeling she would be doing just that whenever she could.

"I do read a lot, yeah. I don't have a television, though sometimes when we have extra power, I'll boot up my laptop, but I try not to get online too much." There wasn't anything there for me anyway since I'd left that life behind when I disappeared to come here. "The books give me a lot to read, and there are enough of them that there is a lot of variety."

"Your relatives must have all been into girls to have this many books on them," she commented. "They're really good though, nice and sexy without being pure smut."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Believe me, there are a lot of them that are pretty much all sex, so I'm sure you'll find some of them. But all of those books are mine, I shipped them up before I moved up." I'd always had an emergency plan to leave if I needed to, and while I'd had to leave for a reason that I wasn't expecting, it still came in handy. Mailing the collection of sapphic novels I'd collected over the years was just one of the things I had to do as a part of that, because I knew I'd want them to give me things to do.

"I'm sure I'll read most of them then. What else do you normally do to pass the time?"

I sat up, trying to give her a list of the things I normally did on a day to day basis. "Well, I have some animals in the barn, two cows and a bunch of chickens, so I have to make sure they're doing okay. I'll collect the eggs, milk the cows sometimes, and get them hay. After a storm like this, I'll go looking for downed trees too. I never chop them down, mother nature usually brings down a few per season and I can cut them up and bring them back on a sledge so I can have it for the stove and fireplace."

"That's cool," she said quickly. "I'm glad you're not chopping them down. You must go through a lot of wood."

I gave her a little shrug. "Not as much as you might think. I don't burn pine in the house, the sap is too dangerous, but in all this acreage, there is a lot of maple and oak, and a couple of those a year is usually more than enough since the cabin isn't too big. I can still use the pine for the fire pit out back when the weather's nice though, it makes for a nice night."

"You have a fire pit?" she asked happily. "Can we use it in the snow?"

I opened my mouth to say no, then stopped. I'd never needed to use it in the winter, it was just me and Necco after all, but there was no reason I couldn't clean off the back patio and light a fire tonight. Hell, I'd do it right now, but I had to assume Irisha was exhausted since it was coming up on 11pm and she'd been through a lot. "Yeah, I just have to clear off the back patio. I could do it any time you like. Do you want me to do it tonight, or wait till tomorrow? Are you too tired?"

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