Chapter 25

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"Are you sure about this?" Jett asked in surprise. I'd just told him about the dilemma with the animals as he was doing his best to patch me up, and he mentioned that his sister had room in her barn, so I pretty much just gave them to him. Well, to her, but his family either way. As much as he was helping us, I sure as hell wasn't going to charge him anything.

"Yeah, take them. You can take all the food in my cellar too, I don't want it to go to waste," I told him. "Oh, but those two missing men? They came here for Irisha first, and their guns are next to the stove down there. If the guns ended up in a lake, or in the cars outside, that would be good."

He snorted as he finished stitching up the exit wound on my thigh, causing me to wince yet again. "You're doing a great job keeping your girl safe. I would have never predicted you doing all this."

"Yeah, well I've always expected I might have to protect myself, I just never expected I'd be doing it for someone else," I admitted.

The back door flew open, and Irisha rushed in frantically panting. "More engines are coming, we gotta go!"

Shit! Hell, I didn't even have my new pants or boots on, this was not good timing. "Get Necco's food and water bowl, and I'll be right there!" I told her while I stumbled to my feet. I raced over to my dresser to grab one of the pairs of jeans that I hadn't laid out to pack earlier, hoping it wouldn't hurt to put them on.

"I'll try to delay them, but you better hurry!" Jett assured me as he ran out the door to the carport.

I yanked up the jeans and had to stifle a yelp as the fabric rubbed over the bandage Jett had taped over the stitches. I threw my boots on, not bothering to tie them, then grabbed my coat, gloves, and hat before gingerly limping towards the back. I didn't lock any of the doors, there was no time. I'd have to hope Jett could keep it all safe for me. I clomped out the back door, throwing the coat on as I did. Irisha had the back of the barn open, and was already sitting in the jacked up Jeep, with the engine running. She looked out the window nervously and waved to me to hurry as she saw me coming. I couldn't move too much faster with my boots untied, but I got there as fast as I could.

"Hurry!" Irisha said in a panicked voice as I slid into the driver's seat. "I don't know how long we have!" Even Necco in the back seat was looking a little nervous at the situation, and I couldn't blame her.

I quickly buckled the seatbelt and put the jeep in gear. "Are you ready?" I asked.

She quickly grabbed the 'oh shit handle' above the door and nodded frantically. "Ready!"

This wasn't the time for subtlety, it was the time to get the fuck away from the cabin. Luckily, just because I'd been paranoid when I moved here, I had planned for just that eventuality. The barn door faced the backyard, and then the lake beyond, with the forest surrounding it.

Oh, and the trails that snaked through it.

The first summer I lived in the cabin, and then on into the second, I was paranoid about being found. Yes, I had the hidden Jeep that was perfect for off-roading, but it didn't mean much if I had to get out on the roads where faster cars could keep up with me. As I explored the area, I found a lot of game trails and old logging trails. The trail that Irisha and I had been on to cut wood was a game trail that went around the lake, but there were larger ones that I'd made sure to keep clear and marked with paint slashes and reflectors so I could drive through the trails even at night and not get lost.

And the one I planned to use today was right across the frozen lake.

I hit the gas, and the jacked-up Jeep leapt out of the barn, picking up speed before I hit the snow in the backyard, and then leaving rooster tails of the fluffy, white powder behind us as we raced towards the lake. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw a group of men behind us. There were a few gun flashes, but none of them hit us as we kept accelerating.

Snowblind (Intersex gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें