Chapter 5

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We didn't make it through the night. Two separate times, Irisha woke up while crying out in her dreams. The first time, there was only the tiniest glow from the embers in the fireplace, so I knew it had been a while since we went to sleep. I pulled her back into me and soothed her until she finally stopped shaking and succumbed to the darkness again. The second time was even later, and she was screaming for her mother until I felt like I might crush her with my hug as I tried to let her know that she was safe. I hated that her own twin brother had put her through this, though I guess it was really her father.

Seeing her mother murdered must have been horrible, but then being tossed into a trunk so she couldn't even process it or get some emotional healing was even worse. I was shocked that she'd lasted so long with me before having her little collapse in bed. She'd been holding on so long, and now she'd allowed herself to release it all. I'd hold her every night as long as I could if that was what it took to help her through this.

And then I woke up to Irisha's hand on the front of my boxers, stroking my rapidly hardening cock through the fabric.

Honestly, it would have been the perfect way to wake up under different circumstances, but I was half afraid she was doing it in her sleep, and I didn't want her to wake up like that. To my surprise though, I looked down at her in the dim morning light, and saw her eyes open and looking down at my crotch, her lower lip between her teeth as she felt the bulge growing under her hand. I had no idea why she was doing it, and I didn't want this to happen without a talk because we were going to be together all winter in an awkward situation otherwise. I reached down slowly, and put my hand over hers, then pulled it up.

"Irisha, what are you up to?" I asked in a whisper.

When she noticed I was awake, she leaned in, and brought her face close to mine, leaning into me with her whole body. "Just saying paying you back for saving me and keeping me around." She threw her leg over my hip, and I could tell that she'd slipped off her boxers by the wetness that I felt against my hip.

"Wait, hold on. Irisha, you don't have to do this just to thank me or pay me back, okay? Sex isn't a currency. I'm helping you because you need it, and because nobody should have to go through this alone. Don't feel like you owe me anything."

I could see her eyes glinting in the faint morning light, and then she was crying again, collapsing atop me. "Please don't make me go back. I don't want to go back."

"Shhhh, don't worry, okay? I thought you knew you could stay here? You're safe with me and can stay as long as you like. You don't have to worry about anything else. I'll teach you how you can help out around here, and we'll make this place work for us. You don't have to have to do anything you don't want to."

She leaned in, giving me another soft kiss, her lips nibbling mine. "I didn't say I didn't want to."

Well now I was in a dilemma. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Irisha, extremely so. She was tall, and fit from her track workouts, and had those piercing blue eyes that I could gaze into all day. But she was also recovering from an extremely emotional experience, was low on sleep, and I didn't want to rush into something that could mess her mind up. I'd be more than happy to try getting to know her more later though. "And I didn't either. But not yet. Irisha, I just found you, and you just got to safety. Let's not rush anything that we have all winter to explore. Neither of us want to make a mistake and then have it awkward for months."

She groaned, rolling over and away from me. "Fuck, I'm so sorry," she mumbled. I crawled over, then pulled her back to me.

"Stop, please. Irisha, there is no need to be upset. We have the beginning of a good thing going here, okay?"

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