Chapter 19

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We had some more snow fall that night, though it was light. Honestly, it was the kind of snow where you couldn't tell if it was new, or if it was just snow from the treetops being blown by the breeze down to the ground. But it was still pretty when we lit the bonfire out on the patio again. We had a new idea, which was us dancing around the fire as Irisha hummed little tunes for us. Yeah, it was a lot of fun to dance in the snow, and I made a promise to myself to get more power here for real music in the future. We also managed to make our way back to our bed to sleep after the bonfire, this time including toasting marshmallows, which meant that we didn't wake up quite as stiff as we had the morning after sleeping on the floor, even after more nocturnal activity.

The next day was another morning in the woods, though we didn't plan to shoot the shotgun this time as Irisha had a bruise on her shoulder after the last time. I just loaded up the sled, and we went back to the fallen spruce once more. The tree was so big that I figured it would take another four or five trips to get all the logs back to the drying racks. My plan was to get it all back, and then we could go back to explore the woods for some hardwood like maple or oak that could be used in the stove or fireplace.

But really, the rest of the winter I hoped to just stay in the cabin and spend more time with Irisha reading, snuggling, and making love. Yes, I'd still have to make my monthly trips to the store, but that wasn't something I could avoid regardless of the situation.

We spent the day talking about our respective cities. I told her about growing up in Miami, and she gave me the Los Angeles rundown. The biggest dispute came when we were discussing beaches, because obviously California and Florida both have some great ones, and we spent the entire way back to the cabin good naturedly arguing about it.

"Irisha, you do realize the entire state of Florida is pretty much a beach, right? Believe me, we have better beaches," I pointed out.

"No chance. Malibu? Venice Beach? La Jolla? Florida has boring beaches, but we have cliffs and much better surfing." Yeah, she wasn't going down without a fight.

"But I bet our sand is softer." I really had no frame of reference here, I hadn't been to any beach since I'd left Florida, but I did have fond memories of the beach with my mom.

"Okay, okay. Let's make some trips when we get back to civilization. I'll take you to some Cali beaches, and you take me to some Florida ones. Then we can do some reviews and see which one is the best." It was a good suggestion, and I liked the idea of having some plans for us to do when things were calmer. Was I also hoping to see Irisha in a skimpy bikini? Well, there may be some truth to that too.

It was another good day in the forest, and I could tell that Irisha was getting more and more used to venturing out there. We were busily loading all the logs into the drying racks, when Necco started growling while looking down at the drive to the main road.

I quickly picked up the big shotgun and handed it to Irisha. "Get some shells from under my bed, and then go down to the kitchen. I'll call down if everything is okay. Hurry!"

She looked at me with wide eyes, then nodded. "Please, be safe!" She grabbed the shotgun, and ran into the cabin. As soon as the door was closed, I started loading the wood as though nothing was going on, though I moved slower than normal. We'd taken both shotguns again, so I still had the sawed off one with me, though I left it on the sled behind some logs that I left laying sideways in case I needed a little cover. If it were up to me, I'd be in the cabin with Irisha, but I didn't want a shootout in broad daylight anywhere near her. Besides, it would look odd for all the wood to be unattended out here, and anyone showing up might get suspicious of it. Just to make sure I was a little safer though, I stepped behind the sled, so I could quickly drop behind the pile of wood and have cover and a weapon in seconds.

Snowblind (Intersex gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें