V2 Chapter 7: Cruise and Feelings

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As the clock struck noon on Saturday, we found ourselves aboard the cruise ship. I sat at a table, surrounded by my soccer club teammates, an unusual sight considering our infrequent gatherings.

Hirata nodded, acknowledging the abundance of food. "The food here is quite impressive."

Naruhaya, his mouth full, mumbled in agreement. "Absolutely! And the best part is, it's all complimentary!"

Shohei shot Naruhaya a disdainful look. "Quit acting like a glutton. It's weird."

Sō remained quiet, his expression unreadable, wondering if it had anything to do with my presence. It seemed there were unresolved issues between us that needed addressing.

"So, how has the soccer club been?" I inquired, noting my absence of two weeks.

Naruhaya attempted to speak, though his words were muffled by the food in his mouth. "Ouo mwiss it," he managed to convey, though not very clearly.

Hirata chuckled, taking the lead in translating. "He means you were missed, but there have been some... complications," he said, his tone somber as he glanced downward.

Shohei interjected, his voice bold and direct. "Yeah, a fight broke out between Wako and Inaya. And Wako's still pissed at you."

"Is that so, huh"

Shohei's accusation hung in the air, thick with suspicion. "Even though Nagumo cleared the accusations, I still find you suspicious," he asserted, his tone unyielding.

Hirata, ever the mediator, interjected, his voice calm yet firm. "Shohei-kun, Nagumo-senpai himself owned up to his mistakes. Ayanokoji-kun is not the enemy," he reasoned, attempting to diffuse the tension.

But Shohei remained unconvinced, his gaze piercing. "What are you hiding, Ayanokoji?" he demanded, his suspicion unwavering.

(Lol Kanzaki and Ichinose 2.0)

I met his gaze evenly, my expression neutral. "What could you possibly mean?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Amasawa, Nagumo, and Shinmura, both second-years, seem to take a liking to you," Shohei pointed out, his tone accusatory.

"Okay?" I responded, nonplussed.

"Well, he is the vice president!!" 

"Vice President or not, I intend to find out" 

Now it's all making since why Shohei acting like this, I felt it was strange that he even agreed to join us considering his behavior.

As the pieces fell into place, I couldn't help but see the bigger picture. Shohei's sudden hostility, his unwavering suspicion—it all pointed to Ryuen's influence. It was clear now that Shohei was being manipulated, likely as a pawn in Ryuen's game.

But I wouldn't allow myself to be caught off guard. Ryuen's schemes were predictable

"Aside from the fight, Shohei here! Performed really well in the soccer matches. Nagumo, Inaya, Shohei, Amasawa, and Isagi got MVP over the past tournaments!" Naruhaya exclaimed

Hirata nodded with a smile, "Yeah everyone worked so well together" 

"Wow, that's quite an impressive lineup of MVPs," I remarked "Seems like the soccer club's been thriving in my absence."

Naruhaya nodded enthusiastically, his pride evident in his expression. "Absolutely! We've been giving it our all out there."

Hirata chimed in with a warm smile, "Indeed. It's a testament to everyone's hard work and dedication."

COTE: Ayanokoji Socially Capableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें