Chapter 10: Memories

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Last chapter for Vol 1 

It was now Monday, and in 2 week we have the midterms, our study group have held around 4 sessions so far. We were just now finished and getting ready to leave

"I heard how far y'all made it in the soccer tournament" Watanabe commented

Beppu then added, "Yeah even though y'all didn't win, you guys still perform quite well"

"Thanks there'll be more tournaments for us to win," I said

"I honestly never saw the amusement in soccer" Himeno commented while sucking on her loli-pop

Watanabe nodded, "Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. It's impressive nonetheless."

Beppu grinned, "Soccer or not, Ayanokoji, you really stood out in the matches. MVP, right? That's no small feat."

"Thank you. It was a team effort," I replied modestly.

Himeno, still engrossed in her lollipop, chimed in, "Well, I'm not into sports, but if it makes you happy, then great for you I guess."

Beppu smirked, "I bet being MVP puts a target on your back, though. Everyone's going to expect you to carry the team now."

Watanabe nodded in agreement, "Yeah, the spotlight can be harsh. But hey, it's a good problem to have."

Ichinose, who had been quietly observing, finally joined the conversation, "Ayanokoji-kun, congratulations on being MVP. It's quite an accomplishment, and I'm sure the school and everyone else is proud of your performance."

"Thank you, Ichinose. It was a team effort," I replied.

Himeno, looking uninterested, spoke, "Just don't let it get to your head. Midterms are coming up, and we wouldn't want the MVP to flunk any classes, would we?"

I chuckled, "No worries, Himeno. I won't let it get to my head. Midterms are the current challenge, and I intend to tackle it with the same focus as the soccer matches."

Ichinose smiled, "That's the spirit, Ayanokoji-kun. And don't hesitate to reach out if you need any help with studying. We're all in this together."

Beppu, always the joker, chimed in, "Yeah, and if you need a break from studying, we can always organize a victory party for the soccer team. You know, to celebrate your MVP status."

Watanabe added, "I heard there's this special karaoke room that's exclusive. It could be a great stress-buster before the exams."

Ichinose nodded, "Karaoke sounds like a fun idea. It's essential to balance hard work with some relaxation."

Himeno sighed, "You people and your distractions"

As we gathered our belongings to leave, I couldn't help but appreciate the diverse group of individuals in our study session. Each member brought their unique perspective and personality, creating a dynamic environment that made studying a bit more enjoyable.

As we exited the study room, Ichinose walked alongside me, "Ayanokoji-kun, I wanted to discuss something with you."

"Sure, what's on your mind?" I inquired.

She glanced around to ensure no one was within earshot, then spoke in a lowered voice, "It's about the invitation to the Clubhouse. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go. I have reservations about it, especially considering what happened with Asahina-senpai and me."

I nodded, understanding her concern, "I share your reservations. The Clubhouse seems to be tied to certain incidents, and what do you mean you?"

She glanced around again to ensure no one was within earshot before responding, "I have some personal experiences with that place. It's not something I'm eager to talk about, but it's not as harmless as they make it seem."

COTE: Ayanokoji Socially CapableWhere stories live. Discover now