Chapter 2: S-Sytem Revealed

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Once we had received our orders, we started to look around the cafeteria for an available table. As we scanned the room, my eyes locked on Ichinose. She noticed me too and immediately waved to get my attention. I smiled and we exchanged a friendly wave. This however didn't go unnoticed

After a few minutes of searching, we finally found a table. Sato and Chiaki took their seats next to me, and Hirata sat across the table from us. On Hirata's side were Karuizawa, Shinohara, and Mori. We all settled in and began making ourselves comfortable.

As I sat down to enjoy my lunch, Chiaki spoke up and asked, "So Kiyotaka-kun, have you made any friends with your classmates?" She looked at me curiously while munching on her own lunch.

I responded with a smile, "Of course, all of my classmates seem nice." I took a bite of my sandwich, savoring its taste.

Karuizawa, who was sitting next to Chiaki, pouted and remarked, "I'm jealous that we don't have more boys like you and Hirata-kun in our class." I was surprised by her statement, and I asked her, "Why is that?"

Karuizawa explained, "All the boys in our class are weird perverts!" 

"Especially that Ike kid " Shinohara threw out

Chiaki nodded in agreement and added, "Yeah, you wouldn't believe how much they were ogling us, especially Kushida." I felt sorry for them and made a mental note to keep an eye out for such behavior.

I reassured them, "Well, if things get out of hand, don't hesitate to tell me, especially you, Chiaki." 

She was my closest friend, and I wanted to make sure she felt safe and comfortable. After hearing my words, I noticed a faint tint of red appears on Chiaki's cheeks.

Sato, who was sitting next to me, spoke up and said, "You could visit our class more in the future." I nodded in agreement and continued eating my sandwich.

As I was eating, Mori, who was sitting across from me, suddenly asked, "So who was that girl you waved at earlier?" 

I was surprised by her question, but before I could answer

Hirata innocently asked, "Was she perhaps your girlfriend?" 

All the girls, including Chiaki, were now looking at me with anticipation. I felt a bit uncomfortable but managed to reply, "No, she's just a friend."

They then all sighed in relief. I continued eating my sandwich, hoping that the conversation would move on to another topic.

Chiaki started talking about how we met and shared some interesting stories with our friends. We enjoyed listening to her

"Wow, you guys should perform a duet for us one time!" Sato happily exclaimed

Chiaki and I both chuckled at her sudden excitement

Chiaki spoke up, "That would be fun wouldn't it, Kiyotaka-kun?"

"Yes the idea sounds very fun" I remarked

As we continued chatting, we finished our food, and I walked back with them to their classroom. Before we said our goodbyes, I exchanged phone numbers with Chiaki, Sato, Hirata, and Karuizawa, so we could keep in touch. I was pleased to have made new friends and was looking forward to spending time with them.As I walked back to my classroom, I realized that I had unintentionally ignored Ichinose's attempts to make contact with me. I was glad that I had made new friends and was excited about the possibility of performing a duet with Chiaki. I took my seat just as the bell rang

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