chapter 25

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Javiers pov:

I watch as the color drains from her face, just like im sure mine is, as Jax continues to speak. The next thing I know, I'm shouting her name and so is Honey as Jax caught her before she could hit the floor. Jax looks at Rae then up to me, for a second, he looks scared.. terrified even but I don't know why. I was quickly by his side taking Rae out of his arms and held her bridal style.

"What the fuck happened and why wasn't I informed of any damn thing Jax?!" Anger wasn't detected in my voice, only hurt.

"Dane, one of Teagans body guards, was supposed to text you.. dammit I should have texted you myself.. but right now, that doesn't matter." Jax took a breath. "Tan was shot, just hardly missed his heart.. he's already in recovery but he hasn't woken up, they don't know when" he paused "or if.. if he will even wake up."


It's been 2 days
2 mother fucking long days.

Raegan woke up about 10 minutes after she passed out.

We are all sitting in Tanners room, despite the nurses telling us that we couldn't all be in here at once.. she clearly needed persuasion, and that came from a bee, a Honey bee. She sure has a stinger, feel bad for anyone who crosses her path and gets on her bad side.

Anyways.. we are all sitting here, Rae is clinging to Tanner's hand for dear life. She hasn't let go even once since we been here. I'm sitting at the foot of his bed and the others are scattered on the shitty couch and chair they have in the room.

No one talked.
No one moved
We just sat and waited.

2 long as shit days.

Finally, we heard "Jax you piece of shit, why didnt you cover me" and all of our heads snapped towards the fucking alluring man, hooked up to wires.

"Tanner" Raegan whispered out

"Hi baby" he smiled at her.

"Hi baby?? Hi baby??" Oh she looked pissed.. "don't you Hi baby me. You left without telling me, without telling Javi. Javi was passed out on the shower floor when I found him and then when he comes to, we find out you are shot and in the hospital and all you have to say is 'Hi baby'.... God dammit Tanner" now she's crying. I hated to see her cry but honestly, she has a point... even though I wish she left the shower bit out.

"Im sorry baby girl, I didn't mean to scare you. We didn't have time to sit and think, we had to act then and there." Then he looked at me. "Fuck babe, I knew I should have kicked the damn door down. Fuck, I.."

"Im fine, it's okay, I'm okay."

We're okay.

It's like we forgot other people in the room but then we heard a throat clearing.

"Trouble in paradise?" We all cut Jax a go to hell look, including Honey. "Nah I'm joking. How do you feel?" He directed that at Tanner.

"Like I was just shot"

That made Jax snort. "We got them all."

"Then what the fuck are we waiting on?" Tan started to pull out and off all the wires and ivs connected to him, before any of us could stop him, causing the monitor to go off and a swarm or nurses rushing in.

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