chapter 4

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Tan's pov:

I was out, collecting Intel on the man we are meant to do the next hit on and I'm almost spotted. Jax had sent me a couple of text here and there but I wasnt in a position where I could respond, so i had to turn my phone off before it qgot me busted. I knew that would worry Jax a little more, as he wouldn't be able to track my phone with it off but i had no choice.

I finally arrive back at the bar and walk in, it was odd that there was music playing this loud. I was looking around when I heard the most gorgeous laugh and looked up, there she stood, the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen .. Laughing.. With a man who wasnt me and Hannah. I look around and havent spotted Jax or Honey so I assume they were in the back, thats where they typically go to fuck. So i made my way to the office and threw the door open, aggravated that i almost got caught tonight and then the fact that that gorgeous woman up there, had no clue who i was.

"God damn Jax" I said in a slightly loud tone and close my eyes and he shoved Honey behind him. "sorry man but y'all are never in the office.."

"It's okay, I should have locked the door"

I can hear them getting their clothes back on but I wait until they tell me its clear to look.

"Okay Tan, all good" Honey said as shes walking past me, tapping my shoulder.

"Really am sorry Jax, didnt mean to cock block ya."

"All good, it will be worth it later, haha.  What happened out there? You were off the grid for a minute" he said, dragging his hand through his hair.

I proceeded to tell him why i turned my phone off and that i believe we have all we need for the hit, just have to upload a few things from a flash drive I found and a few pics i took on a Blank laptop just in case this flash drive actually holds a virus as a setup, that way we don't lose everything. As its loading, i look at Jax

"Who are the newbies upstairs" i tried to seem nonchalant about it. But there was no denying that I really was interested in the girl and want to know who that guy is.. Its been 2 1/2 years since I've had a girl catch my eye and I wasnt about to let this one go so easily.

"The girl is Reagan, age 27, shes friends with Hannah and Honey likes her too now. She works at a little diner called Maggie's and I'm not sure about that guy yet but I will by the end of tonight."

I look at the security cameras playing on the screen and watch Reagan dance, I decided I had to go properly meet her. First I was gonna take a quick shower in the bathroom we have in the back. As Im getting dressed and walking out, she's standing there waiting for me. Not Reagan, Bri... She can't take a damn hint. She has been trying to get me to be with her for the past year or so. Dont get me wrong, she looks beautiful standing there in that tight little dress but her personality is ugly and a huge turn off.

"Oh Tanner, ive been looking for you everywhere." She said putting her manicured hand on my shoulder.

I tried to just keep walking but she grabbed my hand and spun me around to face her again and snaked her hands around my neck. Dont hit a woman- I thought to myself. I reached behind my head to grab her clasped hands, I started to finally pull them off of me as im glaring at her but she still doesn't let go easily.

"Hey Tan, there you are" I look up to where I hear Hannah shouting from above and I shift my eyes a little to the left and find Reagan staring at me with Bri hanging around my neck and my hands on hers .. Well shit. I quickly try to push Bri off of me but not before she had the chance to kiss my cheek.

Reagans pov:

I hear Hannah say 'Tan', the name came back to me, who is Tan? So of course, I looked towards the man she was looking at and I think my breath caught in my throat. He is gorgeous but also a tad bit scary at the same time. I can see tattoos all over his arms, peaking out beneath his shirt, he definitely looked well built. I looked a little higher, at his face and he had this intense snarl on his face, looking right at me.. cue anxiety.
And then there was that girl Bri, wrapped around him. Well i guess they really were together, for some reason, that hurt. I saw Bri lean in for a kiss, I quickly looked to Ryan and sat back down to talk to him some more, when I feel a presence behind me. I didnt dare move even though I so desperately wanted to look at him. He sat next to me, a little too close... now I'm starting to sweat and feel like im going to have a panic attack. I can feel my breathing start to waver.

"Come on Reagan, let's get you home" Ryan says noticing my state of mind. He stood up and put an arm around my shoulder to help me up.

"You ok Rea? Want me to come with?" Hannah says with a voice laced with concern but I can't bring it in me to respond.

"I got her Hannah, you can stay and enjoy the rest of your night." I hear Ryan say but their voices seem to fade out more and more with each word they say. I feel Ryan lift me up and then the next thing I know, I'm sitting on the ground. Ryan is crouched down in front of me telling me we are outside, to focus on his voice and breath in and out. It starts to help me calm down. Then he tells me to use my 5 senese. Something i can touch? The concrete. Something i can see? The street light. Something I can hear? Cars honking. Something I can smell? The burning of a cigarette someone near by is smoking. Something I can taste? The alcohol still on my breath.. Breath in, breath out.  I'm good now but still a little shaken up.

Ryan must have called a cab and is ushering me into it as I come back to the real world.

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