chapter 5

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Hannah's pov:

Dammit, she hasnt had a panic attack like that in a few months. I wonder exactly what cause it. Although, I had a feeling it was Tan. I wanted to bring her home myself but Ryan was used to her panic attacks too, so I know he would know how to take care of her. I sat at the table next to Tan. Honey and Jax soon walked up and sat too.

"What happened, is Reagan ok? I saw her start to space out and then Ryan sat her on the curb to get her to focus and breath properly." Honey stated with a look of concern

I could just be imagining things but I swear Tan tensed up when Honey mentioned Ryan, so I decided to test my theory a little out.

"She had a panic attack. As far as i know she hasnt had one in a few months." I glance at Tan and he looked slightly upset. "Ryan has been around her plenty of times through panic attacks though, so he will makes sure shes okay." Sneaking a peak at Tan, out of the corner of my eye, I see him clenching the edge of the table so hard that i think it might *CRACK* ... sure enough, he squeezed the table so hard he actually cracked it and I little piece of wood was now in Tans palm as he slowly looked at us all.

"What?!" He tried to ask nonchalantly but sounded irritated

"What the hell bro? You alright?" Jax asked him with a raised brow.

"Yea.. Im fine"

"Dont tell me Jax has a crush?" Honey said teasingly

"So you noticed it too?! Thats why i said what I said, how I said it. I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of ya Tan, I just didn't think your break the damn table you big fucking bafoon."

"I dont have a crush!" He said rather quickly.. "But... If one were to .. I dont know.. Say have a crush, as you put it... Whos that Ryan dude?"

Honey and I just start laughing, full blown belly, doubling over, laughing and Jax looks rather amused. However, Tan seems to just be annoyed.

"Dude are you fucking jealous of him? " - Honey said still laughing

"Damn Tan" - Jax said with an amused smirk

"Thats her brother you idiot" I couldnt stop laughing as I told him that was just her brother.. His face is priceless, as it starts to dawn on him that he just made an ass out of himself and broke the table because he was jealous of her brother. He just gets up and starts to walk away when I call out "she works Friday at Maggies" and we continue to laugh for a few more minutes. Until we all decided to call ot a night. Honey and Jax have a photoshoot tomorrow so they didnt drink much.

Tans pov:

I'm back in the office, trying to ignore the situation that just happened and go over the Intel that I collected tonight. I will be set to capture tomorrow, along with the help of Honey to luer him in. Hannah, Honey, and Jax all walk into the office and we immediately get into work mode.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do tomorrow? I would love to see that fucker go down!" Hannah stated sitting in the chair to my left.

"Im sure, although if you want to, you can wait here with Jax and watch the show, you can." I turned to Honey, who was sitting on Jax's lap. "You sure you want to be the one to lure him to the car? You know what he's capable of."

"And he has no clue what im capable of, of course I want to be the one to crush his balls.. Metaphorically and in real life." She stated proudly with a grin and I just nodded my head. We went over a few details of how tomorrow is gonna go down with this scum bag and then they headed home while I stayed. I laid back on the couch in the office and thought about Reagan... Hannah said she was off tomorrow but worked friday, so imma have to go by and see her. With that I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep with the visions of her dancing earlier, so care free.

Reagan's pov:

I woke up to a banging on my apartment door.. And in my head. All of a sudden i hear her voice from the other side of my door.


With a loud groan, I slowly swung my legs over the edge of my bed, hitting the guest rooms door as i walked to the front door. I took a deep breath, *BANG BANG BANG* , i opened the door and there my mother stood looking furious.

"Now where is your brother? I heard from Loreli that y'all were together last night and I want to know why on earth you thought it would be a good idea to drag him into your poor world, into this dump of an apartment. You should be ashamed of yourself, your brother is better than that, to come home and resort into staying here with you. Do you want to lower is social status?!" She continued to rant with so much venom and I only caught a word here or there like 'trashy', 'poor', 'pathetic' but i knew what she was refering to.. Just then I heard foot steps

"Whats going on?" Ryan groaned out holding the side of his head and looking between me and mom

"I was just telling your sister i was here to collect your things and take you home, so go collect your things and you can have a nice shower when you get home." She then looked at me with a raised brow as if to challenge me to say something.

Ryan then turned around to go get him bag and some clothes on. When he returned to the living room, he gave me a half hug and with a short 'see ya later' he and mom walked out as if i was nothing.. Well maybe i was. Hannah was the only person who truly liked me for me.. I quickly pushed those thoughts away and began to clean my apartment and do laundry. By time i was done, it was now 6 o'clock and I was sitting down eating a frozen pizza and watching friends. Deep in thought about all my mom said and even though i tell myself dont listen to her words, its hard not to.. I dont know how long i sat there but i eventually fell asleep to Joey saying 'how you doin'.

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