Chapter 10

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(Final Chapter!!)

"Y/N!!" My mother screamed. I tear up, and scream back "MOM!!" as I quickly rush downstairs, the planets follow along behind me. I finally make it downstairs, the dark basement that reeked of dust. There she was, my mother, tied to a chair. Seeing her like this, it made me felt like a kid again. All those years ago, when my father robbed and just left. But she was the one to comfort me. Hug me in her arms on the couch, and tell me it was gonna be okay, she saved me. But this time, it was my turn to save her. I was about to run up to untie her, but Mr. ROTSAR, my father, jumped in front of me. "Hah!" he cackled "I don't think so! Not until you hand over the planets!" my fists ball up in anger, taking one step forward. My face red. "No way! You are a liar and even if I did you'd never-" he cut me off right in the middle of my sentence! "Gosh.. You talk way too much, You don't need to give me a speech on how bad I am. I know I'm bad, But that's the damn point. Then again, nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks I just want to be evil because I feel like it... but me?" He laughed "I'm just different. it takes a smart person to see the layers and the compacity and how deep I think. A very... smart person. Harming people, gives me pleasure. It's what I live for." I yell back "Yeah, no it does not take a smart person to understand you. You are just a Narcissist. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you are a sadist!"

He sighed and grumbled "Maybe. But you and me, we have a lot in common you know." I get even more furious "We are nothing alike. I'm ashamed to even think we have the same blood. What have I done this whole time for these planets!? Fed them, took care of them, tried to find mom, fend for myself. and what have you done!? That's right. Manipulated, lied, stole, kidnapped, I mean-" I sigh "Really? Are you actually serious right now?" He smiled a sadistic grin at me "Yes. Jokes are for the weak. I am completely and utterly serious, and nothing can change that." I sigh and look at him in pity. He's my father, full of problems. When I was little I always wanted to be around him. 'Daddy, can you play with me?' I used to always ask. But he was on the phone. And the answer was always the same anyways. 'Not now, daddy's on a work call.' I learned to stop asking after a while. He is issued, but he is my father. Which makes me feel a little bad. Emphasis on the little. "Dad.." I say "You have problems, but you are my father. I'm not forcing you to get help, but you really need it. Please let mom go and we can talk this out. I'm 14 now." He chuckled "Becca is 15 now." He cleared his throat "I appreciate the offer but I don't know what kinda world you are living in." 

"I don't want help. I don't want your mother. And most of all, I really dont want you." 

His words shattered my heart. And to think I had any pity left just because he was my father. "Listen, Y/N.. there was probably one reason I didn't want you. It's because your barely human at all." He sighed "Those planets, I guess when you were back from that fight from school, you cried on the damn sketchbook." I yell "what does that have to do with ANYTHING!?" I yelled back "You have magical tears goshdammit! the fact you haven't figured that out right now really shows utterly STUPID you are!" I freeze... This explains everything. Not the stupid part, of course. But... my tears bring drawings to life. That explains the planets, the stick figures, everything! All of it! "My tears... bring drawings to life..." My eyes widen in realization and look up at him in anger "AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO- OH I DON'T KNOW, TELL ME!?" he yelled back "IT WAS TO ONLY PROTECT YOU! COME ON, MY ATTENTION WOULD'A MADE YOU SOFT!" I cried "And yet you never did that to Becca. You gave her all the attention in the world, didn't you." I shoved him out of the way to go untie my mother, who was sitting tied up, speechless. But as if she knew this day would come. 

"Oh I don't think so.." He took out a bottle of water. "You didn't realize? You have a disadvantage..." I turn around and tilt my head "What-?"  "If I pour water on these pathetic drawings of yours... they die here, and in the show!" he laughed another menacing laugh. "That's right! I win!" Jupiter, steps in front of all the small planets "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" He chuckled "Ah yes... a planet shield." he rolled his eyes, and went back to smirking, as he dumped the water on all them. Screams... then silence.

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