Chapter 3

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Author note:

Heyyy I wanna say that this was written on 1/19/24, before we got any real information on Mr. ROTSAR. So this is just gonna be some like weird AU ;-;


(13 year old Y/N POV)

I propped myself in front of the TV in my room, digging my hand into the popcorn that I had just put in the microwave. I grabbed a handful and shoved it in my mouth, chewing onto each kernel a bit carefully, hoping that I wouldn't get any between my teeth. I was watching a space documentary on YouTube about GJ504b... The 'Hot Pink Planet'. I have been obsessed with space for months now. The video had ended, and I looked in the queue for something fresh to watch. I then saw it... I saw the first video '"space is normal" they said...' I clicked on it and was instantly hooked. The animation was amazing... It was funny too. I clicked on the channel... That video was released one hour ago. I said to myself "Oh wow! A small YouTuber! I wonder how big they will get." And clicking the subscribe button. I overhear Mom and Dad talking seriously and Mom yell "I DON'T WANT YOU TO!" with what sounded like her on the verge of tears. I silently crept down the steps secretly to go see what was going on...


(Present Day Y/N POV)

I woke up in a pool of sweat, panting like a dog for breath... I remember that day like it was yesterday.. it was the day Dad.... no. I looked at the clock, it was 3 am... I went downstairs to the kitchen and tried not to wake up the sleepy planets. I carefully filled up a glass of water, and took a sip. I grabbed the collar of my shirt and tried to fan out the sweat rolling down me. I guess I was a bit too loud because Mercury groaned and flew up to me "What are you doing up this late?" I looked down, not wanting to tell him all the details. "Just a bad dream..." Mercury looked at me concerned "Yeah, but you should get some sleep." I thought about it. If I went back to bed right now the dream would continue. "I'm not tired." I say. But judging by my eyes, it was obviously a lie. "Yes, you look exhausted." I try to tell him I'm really not but..

I drift off right there! standing up!

(Mercury POV)

Y/N had their hand on their chin as they leaned on the counter, and fall asleep. I raise an eyebrow and mumble to myself "Not tired, huh?", and I use my gravitational pull and lift her up. It was pretty hard since I'm pretty 'small' but I'm able to toss her onto the couch. It was pretty crowded and she was pretty much curled into a ball but I don't think I would be able to carry her upstairs. I run to her moms room and silently grab some blankets from the bedframe. I didn't know if her Mom or Dad were there but I did it as quiet as possible. I quickly floated back downstairs and I cover her with the blanket. I go back to my original spot and fall asleep again. I couldn't help but hear a few... planets giggle in my slumber but I...

I'm sure it's okay, right?


I wake up and stretch... Regaining all my memory from the night. I then look around, realizing I fell asleep talking to Mercury, and I guess he carried me over here. I look at the blanket, it was my moms favorite. How come she wasn't using it? Weird... I then see all the planets playing tag in the house!!! Whatever... I couldn't care less at the moment since I was so tired. I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I yawned and took a good look at myself in the mirror and saw... someone had drawn on my face in my sleep!!! I had a mustache, circles all around my eyes, a cat nose and whiskers, and writing across the forehead that said "DUMB EARTHLING!!" I looked with anger and turned on the sink and making my hands into a cup, and splashing the cold water on my face. I winced in shock a bit since the freezing cold of the water was unexpected to say the least. I grabbed the white towel and dried my face. The marker was gone but the white towel was a bit stained from the ink. I walk out of the bathroom and look around at the planets who were already tired from running around and sat on the couch talking, huffing and puffing. I walked over and my stomach growled. I look up at the tired out planets who were currently panting, and said "Uhm... Do you guys need anything-?"

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